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Here are my most recent posts

Spiritual Indifference and Pretending

I think there are few things more difficult and confusing to deal with than spiritual indifference.

Christians who just don’t care about much of anything spiritually I do not understand. I’d rather interact with a angry atheist, at least he’s open, and honest..

It makes me wonder if I’m dealing with a Christian at all

Saying “the sinners prayer” at age 6 means almost nothing spiritually if there is no current sign of life.

Spiritual pretending is gross. It’s like drinking lukewarm, flat soda.

There are three common spiritual statuses today:

1) I’m a Christian.

2) I pretend to be a Christian to fit in and to please others.

3) I’m not a Christian

#2 is dishonest and confusing.

It is far better to hang with 2-3 real Christians than even a thousand pretenders.

Independence or Indifference

A Christian who has an haughty, independent, self-confidence about themselves and their religious mindset should not be trusted.

Nor should a Christian who is indifferent about Jesus Christ. Caring little about him personally.

Unfortunately I think I have been both.

Independence from Jesus Christ or Indifference about Jesus Christ. Which is worse?

I’m not sure one is worse … maybe it is the same attitude expressed by different personalities. Neither has much time or consideration for the one they claim as Lord.

Truly Trusting People

Jesus Christ is beginning a new creation … starting over. A new universe, a new government. He even is repairing all relationships in himself.

How does that work?

If Jesus Christ lives within my friends then I can develop trust of Christ in them. He is the great equalizer. If they’ve laid down their old identity and life and taken up a new one in Christ then:

I can begin to see them no longer as superior to me; and to be resisted.

Or no longer inferior to me; to be controlled or dominated or looked down upon.

We can now truly begin to trust one another, and know one another as equals if Christ lives within us both.

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