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Free Will … To Sin…or To Minister

Our Free will…

Is seen in our freedom to sin and be stupid and even cooperate with Satan to steal, kill, and destroy from other people.

But the Church ministry version of this is seen in the freedom of “ministries” to grab a mic claim a Bible title. And completely misrepresent (accidentally or intentionally) Jesus Christ for a lifetime, even for generations.

This is a form of ongoing Jesus abuse by the ones who purport to love him.

I think this misrepresentation in ministry happens as much if not more than all the individual sinning. I also think it happens as much now as it did in medieval Europe. We are just less physically violent now.

If you love the Lord Jesus at least consider setting your mic down, listening to your critics and to some other ways of thinking.

You actually might be abusing him by misrepresentation.

Look at church history and apply it to today. You might really be wrong.

There is something spiritual and eternal at stake which goes way beyond our ministry titles, fame, and incomes.

The Ability to Respond

The ability to respond appropriately to Jesus Christ, and to wisdom is a spiritual ability. It is not a natural one. Religious tradition more than anything else hinders our ability to see reality, but much worse it hinders our ability to respond to reality and to Jesus Christ. It keeps us imprisoned even beyond a lifetime but for generations.

Stubbornness, only listening to approved people (regardless of what they say), and rejecting wisdom because we don’t like a person communicating (he doesn’t speak well, he’s not from my denomination) is really a curse.

The ability to clearly see reality, and to respond appropriately, comes from above.

Also the ability to clearly share and communicate reality so that others can respond appropriately is also from above.

The tendency to be stubborn is natural and is the default state of fallen humanity.

The tendency to communicate poorly, or inappropriately, or not at all is also our default state.

Learning, accepting new insights, and cooperating with the Lord are themselves miracles.

And if miracles, then we cannot control them with tools of persuasion or dominance. Wish I could, and to the extent that I can dominate to persuade is the extent it ceases to be a spiritual thing from the Lord,.

A Movie Playing Within

When we look at a beautiful scene of a sunset or a beautiful mountain landscape. All of that order and light gets converted to electrical impulses by the eye nerves. Then sent to the brain where they are re-assembled and projected onto our consciousness. It’s this projection that amazes and awes us as we observe something beautiful.

Brain researchers are just barely beginning to understand the complex mechanism of this.

This not only happens with vision but with touch, smelling, taste, and pain and everything that we can sense.

This projection of things sensed onto our consciousness happens from spiritually sensed concepts and happenings as well. These timeless realities can be transferred from one realm, the spiritual realm to another realm by our consciousness.

This is what is beginning to happen when Jesus Christ is revealed within someone.

He is seen, and felt and touched in a spiritual way. Then depending on the person can be projected out into the earth through Christians.

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image…”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3:18‬ ‭

“But when he who had set me apart before I was born, …, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles,…;”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1:15-16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

God revealed Jesus Christ (his Son) within Paul so that Paul could them preach or translate him out wars into his circles of people’s he had lived near.

So two miraculous things were going on in Paul. An inner revealing and a projection outward.

Looking at Paul and the other apostles was like looking into a movie screen and Jesus Christ was the movie that was playing.

This gives “let your light shine” while new meaning. Like a 4D movie experience shining within the eyes and lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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