Our Free will…
Is seen in our freedom to sin and be stupid and even cooperate with Satan to steal, kill, and destroy from other people.
But the Church ministry version of this is seen in the freedom of “ministries” to grab a mic claim a Bible title. And completely misrepresent (accidentally or intentionally) Jesus Christ for a lifetime, even for generations.
This is a form of ongoing Jesus abuse by the ones who purport to love him.
I think this misrepresentation in ministry happens as much if not more than all the individual sinning. I also think it happens as much now as it did in medieval Europe. We are just less physically violent now.
If you love the Lord Jesus at least consider setting your mic down, listening to your critics and to some other ways of thinking.
You actually might be abusing him by misrepresentation.
Look at church history and apply it to today. You might really be wrong.
There is something spiritual and eternal at stake which goes way beyond our ministry titles, fame, and incomes.