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Here are my most recent posts

Word of God Teller

All teachings and declarations of truth in the church was designed to have checks and balances. There should not be top-down, one-shepherd feeding many sheep the word of God. At least not beyond an initial phase of training and discipleship (maybe a year).

Periodic times of special teaching are fine, but this is rare and only by an equal member of the body. Or special teachings come by someone outside the body who come to help a group get through a problem. These equal members are not permanently above in some hierarchy over the other members. In all things there is to be equality. These are a few of the ways that bodies of Christ functioned in the New Testament.

A permanent class or office of “word of God teller” who receive tithes from to a large group of inactive “Word of God hearers.” Otherwise known as tithe payers, is just not scriptural…it is actually unbecoming a Christian fellowship. In whom Jesus himself dwells. I realize that is hard to hear by someone raised in a church system but it is true nonetheless.

Christians are equal and we work out the mind of Christ together in back and forth spiritual fellowship and conversation. All Christians are intended to be word of God tellers and word of God hearers.

Unity, Love, Friendship, & Conflict

Imagine how many more friendships there would be in the church if we were trained how and willing to, do conflict. If we didn’t drive away those who expressed dissent and who don’t think like us.

Or imagine how much more rich and deep our friendships would become if we could disagree without offense. We wouldn’t need to keep things so shallow and surface level. Loyalty would not need to be such a big deal. Imagine if conflict made us closer rather than separating us.

I have so many thoughts and dreams for the church, I know many others have the same. Yet many of them lie behind a wall of conflict mist are scared to engage in.

Scrap It All

Part of coming to Jesus is scrapping absolutely all of your life. Flushing it all down the toilet. Drowning it in the ocean. Then letting him pull you up from that place of death. If you’ve never come to him like that …if your salvation was some mundane, in secret, raise your pinky finger in the dark after a self-help, man-pleasing talk.

You have missed out deeply, compared to the spiritual reality of Jesus Christ I think it is almost cruel to lead people to him like that. Coming to Jesus is an absolute death, it is a dramatic thing in the spiritual realm. It it’s sad and joyous at the same time.

All we are, the good and the bad, crushed and scrapped and drowned in a sea of death. Then a handing over of the pieces to Jesus, who does with them what he chooses.

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