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About Christ vs. By Christ

Every year around December we hear Christians reminding everyone either verbally, but mostly on social media, that Christmas is really about Christ. And that it should remain that way. I did my share of that through the years.

I do think there is a pressure that is hostile to Jesus to remove his influence and can be seen in the pressure to rename Christmas as Xmas. It’s petty and childish, but it’s real.

I won’t go into a rant about people hostile to Christ or the pagan roots of the holiday that the Roman Catholics acquired to create Christmas. That is for other posts.

With this post I want to emphasize that a day or an event can be about a person OR by a person. To be about, the person can be dead, but to be by a person they must be a living participant.

If Christmas were really by Christ he would have started it. And we’d be continuing it with him. We’d have seen its origin in scripture. Jesus did begin traditions, but he did not begin one around his own birth. There is not even evidence they celebrated his birthday during his 33 years on earth.

If something is about someone we have reduced them personally to a subject, a topic, an idea about them. They don’t have to be a participant, they don’t have to be alive. For example, when we celebrate Martin Luther King day he is not a participant. He is just a memory for the nation. It’s a holiday about King not by King. When we celebrate birthdays for kids they are present. They are the center, they get what they want.

When something is done by a person we can join them. For example, when Jesus commanded us to gather, he promised his very own presence. He is a participant. So it can be said we are gathering with him, we gather around him. We use adjectives reserved for living people. Church meetings, according to scripture, should not be considered gatherings about Jesus. Although that is what most of the highly organized gatherings I’ve experienced, seem to have been reduced to.

And if we gather with and around him, and we are calling him Lord. Can or should he not have a say in what is done or said? Of course he should. Then it just becomes a matter of hearing him and yielding to him as a body of Christians.

So anything done about Jesus is different than a thing done by Jesus.

The emphasis of a Christian who knows and loves a living Lord is to cooperate and actively work WITH Him. With the living Jesus Christ, who wants certain things. And who is also silent, (and presumably indifferent) about other things.

We know he wants certain things like his Lordship in the earth, or like his will being ‘done on earth as it is in heaven.’ Not spending 1/12 of our year, and a huge amount of our incomes on birthday celebrations based on sentiment about him. Does he want our year to revolve around his massive birthday celebration? A better question is ‘do we even care what he wants?’ Or is Christmas really for us, and our own kids, and our good memories about our childhood?

And if it really is about us, lets be consistent in its name, let’s call it MeMas or UsMas. No wait, never mind… that would be self-centered.😑

Where Are The Poor?, Who Has Any Lack?

“Where are the poor people so we can give to them?”

And “Who in this church has lack and financial struggle so we can share our abundance and reinforce the equality between us.?”

These are the real financial messages of the kingdom of Jesus Christ

No building, no salary, no superstars with mics, just a body of people together, ALL preaching the gospel verbally and financially.

Jesus’ message was not and has never been “pay your tithes up to the authorities so they can buy nice buildings and be full time.”

The great commission is nothing like a body of Christians spreading tithe-funded religious imperialism. Into more and more real estate.

The Joyful Sight of the Kingdom

We get our first glimpse of the joyful sight of the kingdom in the parable of the hidden treasure. Matt13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again. And from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls and upon finding one pearl of great value. He went and sold all that he had and bought it.

The kingdom of heaven is like a hidden pearl worth more than the man has. And unless he sells ALL he cannot have it. But the joy over that pearl motivates him to sell all and buy it. Pearls are also referred to in Genesis 2:12 (Bdellium) in the garden of Eden where they represent divine life. These pearls show up again along the river of life at the end of scripture in Revelation 21-22.  

A Joyous Going and Selling

The joy over the pearl of divine life of the kingdom of Jesus is the motivating force in this parable. A deep joy that causes him to abandon everything. Just imagine a joy that motivates you to sell everything you own to buy an empty field. Think about that, what would have to be in that field to turn your life upside down like that? My home, my vehicles, my property, my rental property, my clothing, and all that those things represent. All sold, not out of fear, not out of force, not out of obligation. It was a joyous going and a joyous selling, he couldn’t wait to sell it all to get that treasure. It was not a nervous or anxious selling and buying. That’s what it is like to see the kingdom of Jesus Christ in all its reality.

The Only Appropriate Reaction

That is just the only appropriate reaction, if we can really see it. I don’t say that out of strict, “people should react this way” judgmental sternness or a “what’s wrong with people?” attitude. People who are given a clear glimpse of this treasure of a pearl, which is the kingdom of Jesus Christ. They leap for joy, they go quickly in joy to sell everything to get in, to press their way in. Not from obligation, not from duty. It’s a natural, and an enjoyable response. Revelation 3:18, I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself…

Jesus Christ himself was the first to have this joyful sight of the kingdom and become a convert. Seeing in the spirit for the first time what was coming on the other side of his cross. Hebrews 12:2 ESB, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 


Anything less than that response is because we are not seeing the kingdom and the king himself clearly at all. There is a cloud, a haze obstructing the view. And we can’t see it because its not being preached or displayed for us clearly. Or we love the world so much and it has blinded our spiritual vision of this divine pearl.

Notice the seating at the right hand of God. In John 14:1-3 Jesus counseled his disciples not to fret at his death and “in my father’s house there are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you and will return so that where I am you may be also.

The Joy of The Disciple

If we look toward and love the world system and the things within it, we can become oppressed. Then quite probably depressed. In Hebrews 12 referring to Jesus, it says Jesus loved righteousness and hated wickedness therefore God has anointed him with the oil of gladness. Loving the kingdom of Jesus Christ, cooperating with it, and not loving and preferring the world system. Which is actually the crumbling kingdom of Satan; results in what I call the joy of the disciple. In another parable, I believe referring to this joy. Jesus praises the faithful disciple and says “enter into the joy of the Lord.

Types of Joy

There are other types of joy we can experience. There is a mental joy, something is funny, it is primarily emotional. It is great, but it does not last. There are professionals (comedians) who make a living delivering this sort of joy. But then there is also the inner spirit-led joy which emerges after a sight of the kingdom of Jesus. And also the joy of the disciples of Jesus Christ. All joy’s should be shared and spread whenever possible. It results in peace, and relaxation and inner satisfaction. I’ve experienced all of these joys from time to time, not as much as I would like. The joys that come from the Lord almost feel like a very deep inner satisfaction. They make our heart smile.

I don’t know about you but I need joy sometimes. Sometimes I fall short of the joy of the disciple. I get distracted. I sometimes get my eyes on the world either in love for it or in absolute despair and disgust. More about this love/ hate dichotomy here. I acknowledge that I need my brothers in Christ to set before me their joyful sight of the kingdom regularly.

More great audio content about Joy here.

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