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Here are my most recent posts

All The Old Testament

All the Old Testament is basically a foretelling of something that is coming that is far greater than what they had. The prophets longed for where we are now, they saw it spiritually and were undone.

….Until finally, the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Repent confess sin, abandon the old life, die in the symbolic waters of baptism, then press into the kingdom of a Jesus Christ with great intensity, and join the new creation.

What Jesus did and is doing is not new and better religion, it is a new humanity, another race, occupying the flesh of the old, a new creation entirely, everything is increasingly different.

Yet the old, very religious humanity is still here, trying to mimic him, to control him, to falsely speak for him. To accidentally kill him off-repeatedly, to shut him down (in their deep confusion).

But it won’t last forever, that old, religious, murderous humanity won’t remain, they are being evicted by force.

If We Call Him Lord

If we call Jesus Christ our Lord or our king. Then we must yield to him, we must surrender and submit to him. That’s what the word means.

We’d never call the American president Lord or King no matter how much we like him. We may be very fond of him but to say “he is my Lord” that implies another level of surrender.

A total surrender even to the point of death. Christians often call Jesus Lord or king, but that can be just a statement of fact. Demons stated facts about Jesus when they came into his presence but they were not yielded to him.

My point is that as we mature and progress in our walk with Jesus we hopefully come upon new insight into his will. As we seek him we gradually understand what he wants. And as we do this it is incumbent upon us to surrender and cooperate with him. Even when it is difficult or painful. We yield to him who we call our Lord.

Not submitting willfully dethrones him as our Lord and our King. And when we say it anyhow we are kidding only ourselves. We are just stating facts about him. Like the demons did before Jesus rebuked him. Is he your lord and king or is he just a lord and a king … that you are a big fan of?

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