About Adam Collier


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Here are my most recent posts

In Pursuit of Christ – 03

Episode #3 focusing on the ministry of John the Baptist. Adam continues with the gospel of the kingdom covering John the Baptist and up to the time of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.

Please comment below or reach out to me for comments, questions or for fellowship around Christ.

In Pursuit of Christ – 02

Video Series – In Pursuit of Christ

Having a hard time converting from phone video to audio file. Technical difficulties (or incompetence) will not stop me from sharing this content. I figure YouTube is one of the best ways to share content anyhow. So that gets the priority, for now. Later these can be published as a podcast when I get my act together with the microphones and audio recorders and the mp3 files and the RSS feeds and such.

Episode two of the In Pursuit of Christ Podcast, Adam begins to tell the gospel of the kingdom from before creation (Ephesians), the creation , then the fall, the Tower of Babel, Abraham, Israel and right up to the time of Jesus Christ.

How To Listen or Watch

You can access the episodes via YouTube primarily for now, via podbean.com in the podbean listener app. Please take the time to listen and comment and please share with your tribe, if this helps you.

And most importantly reach out to me if you want to go deeper, collierak@me.com or via Facebook messenger.

As always I recommend the Insurgence book by Frank Viola for a deeper and more thorough dive into the gospel of the kingdom if that is what you are after.

The Real Foundation

Happy New Year 2020!!, I plan to post weekly going forward, likely on Wednesdays.

Now back to the more important things.

If Jesus Christ is not the real foundation under our lives, we are headed for real trouble. The sort of trouble that may not come to us until the end of life, or it may come next week, but it IS coming either way.

If money or a nice home, or a nice set of kids, or a nice neighborhood, a set of easy life circumstances is the foundation of our lives. Then there is coming a bad time for us. It will be very unsettling and upsetting. It will feel like our lives are being turned upside down, in a confusing way, against our will.

But if we can get Jesus Christ under our lives, in a real way, not a fake or sentimental, pretending-for-church way. If we can do that then he will turn our lives upside down in a way that we can understand and accept and perhaps even enjoy. Better this happen sooner than later. Get him alone under you, with intensity, while you’re young, and repeat every day if necessary. Let him shape your life-circumstances according to what he wants, not necessarily according to what you want, or what is easy for you.

Either way, for the Christian, our lives are not our own to control and optimize for ease and comfort. If we are a Christian we WILL lay our lives down for new ones, sooner or later, lives founded solely on him.

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