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Here are my most recent posts

By Their Fruit

“You shall know them by their fruit.“ In context in Matt 7 was said for preachers and looking at the fruit that their messages produced.

It was not to be applied to every individual Christian to judge them. Were it used against all Christians, we’d all be lost.

What sort of gospel or message does a preacher produce?

Then what sort of church does that gospel produce?

Jesus determines the fruit type; converts and followers is not fruit. That happens even with terrible gospels of deception, Islam has many followers and “converts” which are more a measure of leadership ability.

Fruit is repentance, fruit is yielding and surrender to the Holy Spirit, fruit is equality, fruit is giving to the poor, fruit is people putting others before themselves. Fruit is giving to the poor. Fruit is people loving others not like themselves, from older generations and younger. Making room for others. This is real fruit of the gospel of the kingdom.

Not crowds of religious groupies and not demanding your way, and that your vision be satisfied.

Mega-Mosque Consultant

I wonder if pastors and those working for them and who want to be huge and have “satellite campuses” mind if the same consultants and curriculum they buy were also building mega-mosques? Is your church consultant also a mosque consultant? Could they be … for the right price?

When money and business leadership, and marketing skills increase among the Muslims. A mega church and a mega mosque may almost be indistinguishable.

Most Muslims I know also say really nice things about Jesus, many of them have a lot more to say about him than some Christians I know. Some even quote the Bible.

There is a big difference in business-centered consultant ministry. And Spiritual ministry that arises from the Spirit of Christ himself. Spiritual ministry is not able to be copied, and reproduced by consultants who probably can be hired by an “imam” OR a “pastor.” Spiritual ministry cannot be produced with human leadership, great marketing and with the flow of money.

Spiritual ministry bubbles up out of nobodies and poor people. People with or without skills and money, people who are being built together by Jesus himself. The key differentiator being JESUS HIMSELF.

Spiritual Assumptions

For the few Christians who actively hear things from the Spirit of God periodically or intermittently. How we react to what we hear is very important. Being led of the Spirit seems to be decreasing among Christians I circle with. But there are some who actively seek and expect to hear from Jesus Christ. And a common thing I have done and seen others do is to use their logical minds to make assumptions about what God means.

When God speaks something to us or leads us in a certain direction. We should learn to stop and never again add to it with our logic. “God said this … must be then that means this….” We often with impatience project our logical assumptions onto God.

Instead just let him continue the conversation, wait on him to continue.

Example: if a young person feels led to serve God with their life they should not immediately conclude they need to go to seminar and/or pursue an income from a church. We make the spiritual assumption: “Must be God wants me to run a church for Jesus.” that may be a huge mistake.

All the disciples of Jesus had logical expectations on Jesus and he did not meet any of them. They would often try to add to what he was saying with bad assumptions.

Perfectly logical, bad assumptions do GREAT damage to what God is saying to us. They can divert us onto paths he does not have for us or divert us away from paths that he wants for us.

Assumptions can often deceive us and make us into liars if we project them, click here for another example of this.

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