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Activism or the Spirit

An activist is someone who is using their own passion strength and personal resources to push to make things better.

This is how things get done in the world.

Activists can be Christian or not, some try to do ministry and Gods work (even preaching evangelizing) as activists. They do it by their own energy, drive, skill and strength. Some build entire churches by discipling people into religious activism.

Groups of people all set out to do the same things are very powerful but what they accomplish reflects upon THEIR greatness. This is human religion and it does not belong in anything called church.

There is an alternative to the activist. It is the person led by the Holy Spirit. The person who only does what the Lord tells and allows her to do. The person who has no confidence in their own abilities to make things happen.

This person has learned to abandon setting out to “fix” the things that upset them, or scare them, or excite them.

This person gets more excited about Jesus controlling the earth than having things their way. Or not allowing Satan to have his way. This activist doesn’t understand the person led of the Spirit because something else is motivating them that they cannot see or tap into.

The person led of the spirit is not swayed by the emotion or anger or impatience that the activist is. That is frustrating to the activist, they conclude that they are “sleeping” or they just don’t care. They do care but they able to hear the spirit and care more about taking their cues from him far more.

Are you serving God out of activism or out of yielding to the Spirit.

Detailed Description of Reality

The perfect detailed description of reality is the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Life can be very discouraging and painful if we don’t understand spiritual reality.

Ignoring huge portions of reality in order to not be depressed and stay positive and optimistic is not healthy and it’s not helpful, that is like taking medicine to just alleviate symptoms but ignoring root cause.

The gospel of the kingdom explains why and how we got here, it also explains God’s purpose for human suffering.

Cutting and pasting 5% of it out of the Bible to insert into the end of our sermons is a discredit to the entire gospel story, which most Christians have not heard.

Theory OF Everything

Optimism and Reality

Optimism is necessary if we want to accomplish much in life.

But optimism must not be intentionally blind, or deaf, or muted, it must acknowledge and then appropriately react to REALITY and TRUTH.

It occurred to me that the most optimistic message humanity has ever heard is the great Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The one that is restoring humanity back to God. I believe that this gospel is being restored today within the body of Christ.

This Gospel when fully communicated acknowledges and explains evil principalities and powers in high places (seems so negative). It acknowledges suffering and trouble for the follower of Christ (seems so negative). It places God’s will above our own wills which can be quite painful (seems so negative).

Spiritual reality has a negative side that we should acknowledge and understand and share.

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