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Here are my most recent posts

Jesus Christ and The Gospel of the Kingdom – Video 5b

Today’s video I recorded and shared to social media in early May 2020, it continues on with the gospel of the kingdom and moves to Jesus Christ and it begins at 21:09 in the attached video. The first 21:08 covers John the Baptist’s role in the gospel of the kingdom and was also in last week’s post. The final 30 min of this video explores the matchless earthly ministry and role of Jesus Christ in the gospel of the kingdom.

Please watch and comment below and share with your friends if it blesses you.

My next video will move to the ecclesia of Jesus Christ, called the church today. I expect this video to be the best one yet.

If you want to dive deeper into the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ then buy and read this book.

The Gospel of the Kingdom Video 5a

Adam moves to John the Baptist in this video #5a, watch the first 21 minutes of this video for discussion of John the Baptist. The greatest prophet of all time.

Gospel of the Kingdom Video 4

Adam continues sharing the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ from Abraham, to Israel and the prophets.

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