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Here are my most recent posts

What is Faithfulness to God?

What exactly is faithfulness to God?

Faithfulness to God is not measured by personal loyalty to and yielding to some great Christian’s ministry. As if they are running God’s body on earth on behalf of him.

Jesus himself is his own head of his own body, he is not delegating this role.

Instead faithfulness to God is measured by loyalty and love for the Holy Spirit’s inner promptings, and by love for the brethren within our lives.

It looks like moment by moment surrender and yielding …not mindless parroting of the talking points of a minister.

Faithful Giving

For example, a faithful Christian gives financially first to other struggling Christians, the house of God is made with living stones now, not with concrete and mortgages. And not to a religious organization running religious buildings.

The Faithful Are Available

Also, a faithful Christian makes him or herself available and is approachable to undesirable Christians in his life. The immature are a priority. As much or more than the ones he does like, he does not cold shoulder and distance himself like a elitst.

A faithful Christian does not favor one against another and he does not exalt any Christian to a place of permanent dominance over others. While shoving others down to a place of a permanent outcast.

It often seems to me that there is still a great deal of Roman Catholic idolatry in contemporary Christianity. The same old ideas of worn out, man-centered elitist religion.


Making Sense of Things on Earth

Making sense of things…

Who is in charge of the earth spiritually and if it’s God why all the bad news, deception, misfortune, pain, and suffering? It just doesn’t add up.

Answer: the situation of Jesus Christ explains reality on planet earth. Jesus the resurrected God-man is seated high above all spiritual power and authority. He has a direct tie to the earth through his followers.

But ONLY through his followers.

There is also an entire fake Christian movement that is just another man-made religion that is not loyal to the kingship of Jesus, (he is only the mascot). This religion spans both Catholicism and Protestantism, it is everywhere and it is anti-Christ at its core.

Anti-Christ and pro religion.

Cooperating with Satan’s Hierarchy of Lies and Violence

Under Jesus Christ is a layer of rebellious spiritual rulers, violent, hostile, deceptive and disconnected from him. These rulers have direct ties to the earth through human government, possessing and controlling king’s and other rulers who cooperate with his hierarchy of lies and violence.

The closest similarity in ancient history that displays what it’s like between Jesus and the earth today is a Roman emperor with his own army going against a violent and illegitimate Roman general with his own loyal army who wants to rule. There is a massive disconnect. Whatever towns the rebellious Roman general rules or terrorizes does not reflect on the real emperor.

Satan has controlled large portions of the earth since Adam & Eve. Primarily through human governments and religions.

But he is losing grip, Jesus is increasing, and using even his rebellious fallen creation for his purpose.

The eclessia of Jesus Christ is the one and only place ON EARTH where Jesus Christ is king and Lord.

“ON EARTH as it is in heaven.”

My Experience Getting Covid-ed (job loss)

I heard a new word today, in a zoom meeting with a coach and 15 other laid off professionals. A woman told her job loss story and referred to it as being Covid-ed. Covid is now being used as a verb.

In the third week of May 2020 my position at my company was eliminated. It was very surprising and unsettling.

But I have to say I was ready for it. It made little sense to me and several of my colleagues but it happened.

I still have not yet found a job as of the end of June 2020, and even worse I now have a shoulder injury. Which is preventing me from tackling repair projects at my home and the home of friends and family. The shoulder problem has been more upsetting than the job loss to be perfectly honest.

The hardest part of my job loss is the loss of seeing my friends at work. My supervisor and colleagues over the past 10 years I consider friends. And suddenly not seeing them anymore, not being able to talk with them has been very difficult. I set out to write a goodbye email but couldn’t finish it and didn’t send it. It is not goodbye, its just see you later…I hope.

Directly after the job loss I went through a lot of questions internally like “why did they pick me for lay off?, things were going great”…so I thought. I was told repeatedly it was not for performance reasons and was given a generous severance. Afriend told me the cuts were very deep but its still not comforting to be one of the chosen 10%. I do know that I was giving my all to that job and to those people, my conscience is clear and I am satisfied with what I accomplished with my time there.

I will likely never get a satisfying answer to the question of why I and not someone else was Covid-ed in 2020.

But that is not the reason for this post, the intent for this post begins now.

Jesus has a reason for our problems.

When difficult and painful things happen to Christians it is important to look to Jesus Christ for answers. Whatever reason my employer had for the layoff, good or bad, secretive or open. There is a higher reason, a Jesus reason is there for the child of God. This Jesus reason is all that really matters in the long term. For those who are serious followers of Christ, this is assured. Jesus is specifically and intentionally involved with our circumstances.

Jesus had a reason for my job loss, and that is all I need to know.

I’ve not always believed that way, I used to think that Jesus was high and separate but Satan had good control of specifics going on down here and its up to us to bring Jesus in on our situations and to not get pushed around by Satan. But after understanding the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus more completely, I know that Jesus is much more involved and powerful than that. He uses trouble, and difficulty, and problems to accomplish his purposes in our lives.

So this job loss is not so terrible. Demotions, if they come from Jesus Christ are not really demotions. For example, Jesus losing his life in a horrible satanic way was his fathers plan, not Satan’s. Satan and his followers absolutely became caught up in the fathers purpose and even did his bidding without understanding it.

Be it a minor tweak in my specific job, a major shift in my career, or a time of great difficulty that I dread. Jesus has a reason for my job loss and that gives me great comfort. Come what may, promotion, demotion, or great turmoil, I am with Jesus Christ and where he leads me I am eager to follow.

Whether he leads me beside green pastures with abundance and ease or into a vipers den, I am with him, I am following him. So the sting of this job loss is not so bad, he makes it easier and almost comforting.

So if you are facing pain and suffering or even just anxiety about the prospects of pain and suffering. Be comforted by Jesus Christ, he knows what he is doing, he is doing specific things for specific reasons, just flow with him, cooperate, anticipate eagerly whatever he has for you, it may hurt, it may not hurt, either way its him and its VERY good.

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