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Pakistani Language 4 Letters

The name of the Pakistani language with 4 letters is URDU.

Urdu developed in the 12th century AD and was a mixture of local language, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish.

This language is predominantly spoken in Eastern Pakistan. This language is spoken also in parts of India. Urdu is a fascinating language that I am trying to learn. I have ordered an Urdu course on Udemy and I am trying to speak conversational Urdu with some online friends.

For what its worth, to the English speaker, Urdu sounds like Arabic.

Check out my other post about Pakistan here.

Jesus Christ in Pakistan


Jesus Christ lives on the earth through his people, called ecclesia, or church, his spiritual bride to be. Jesus Christ also lives in Pakistan. The country of Pakistan is known for being a nation predominantly of the Muslim religion. They live by Sharia law in many parts of the country.

However, there are also millions of Christians who live in Pakistan as a minority and have for years. Many of these Christians are treated well, but some are persecuted and have even been terrorized.

There is one group of Christians in particular that I believe God has joined me to from Pakistan. I connected with the pastor of this group online and have felt particularly drawn to help him. He has encouraged me and I hope I have helped him and his ministry.

We meet online over video calls and I have sent many words of encouragement and teachings to him. And to the body of Christians who meet with him around Jesus Christ.

This particular group of Christians currently meets in the house of the pastor and another member. They meet weekly where they share a meal, they have worship prayer, a time of exhortation, and teaching.

He has on many occasions fed them meals and he enjoys giving them Bibles and Sunday school curriculm.

Bible Distribution


Elementary School

Church Building

Sound Equipment

Hang with the Lowly

“Nothing can be more cruel than tenderness that consigns a brother to his sin. Nothing can be more compassionate than the severe rebuke that calls a brother from the path of sin.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Low expectations are also cruel. Things like assuming and expecting a person to remain forever immature, because of their gender or their history of selfishness, is wrong.

Excusing away and celebrating certain sins because we don’t want to be accused of something?

Discarding people because we want to only surround ourselves with good people. With people who think like us because a self help guru said so …is cruel, godless, and snobbery,, reject it. It is hostile to Jesus Christ.

Dear Christian, you must not be controlled by fear of accusation. Remember that Satan is the accuser, it is normal to get accused. Get used to it if you are going to follow Christ.

“Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:16‬ ‭

The NASB and ESV translate this is to hang with or associate with the lowly.

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