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how to be more creative

How To Be More Creative

This is a post from 2014 that I think had a poor title.

Freedom is a powerful and compelling force. I define freedom as the ability to do as I please without harassment or enslavement by any individual or situation. There are assumptions inherent in this definition. I cannot do whatever I want of course since we have laws and rules that we all agree to, in order to curb crime. What I think is more important than having total freedom is having the feeling of freedom or the perception of freedom. The ability to feel free from restraint and harassment is a powerful and liberating force. Feeling free to explore interests and gifts is a major part of life. When a child grows older he/she begins to enjoy the freedom that we all are given. The feeling of freedom can be intoxicating; many children throw off parental restraints enjoying the new found freedom of adulthood. If parents went too far in the restraints often the child goes wild, sewing wild oats and making bad choices.

There are many things in my life that I’ve not felt free to pursue. Most of the not feeling free was due to lack of finances. A friend of mine once launched a successful business and became financially free. The adjustment was difficult for his child. Because she had become accustomed to being restrained financially, the new found freedom to spend felt strange. The difference is in perception. Having a perception of personal freedom frees people of mental clutter, mental busyness and imagined restraints. The family was now free but she was still stuck in the perception of lack and restraint financially. Every person should develop personal freedom to unleash untapped creative potential by taking the following five steps.

1)      Determine to focus on ‘inner work’.

‘Inner work’ is just another term for personal development, looking within. Then dealing with the emotional wounds or with weaknesses and strongholds that hold one back in life.

3)      Imagine Having Freedom to Create whatever you wish, without restraint.

Ask “what would it look like if I had complete freedom to create?” For example, I love to teach people, if I could study and teach all day long what would it look like? Well, it would look like this: “I would get up very early to study, I would break down the topic into smaller more manageable points, then people would come to me and I would teach them what I know. They would be receptive, I would be inspiring and life would be great.” That is one creative dream that I have.

4)      Write down what hinders you.

Imagining freedom in that area of life is fun, now ask yourself what is it that restrains you? Write that down, it could be lack of discipline, it could be lack of money, it could be an addiction, it could be an unfair situation. Whatever you believe it is write it down.

5)      Start creating anyway.

Now ignore what hinders you and start creating in small increments, for my example above I can teach in little bursts. I may not have a huge audience, but I can teach my kids new things, I can teach my wife the things I know. This small baby step starts an internal perception of freedom to create (for me to teach) that is liberating, it is empowering. It is encouraging and it changes my entire mindset. Soon this part of me grows, I gain confidence, I improve my skills and people now come to me to teach on certain topics

I am now free to create and to do more of what I was created to do.

This is only an overview of the process but if you feel stuck or hindered; try these steps above … they work!


1)    I have written an e-book titled Increasing Collaboration. There is a chapter for individuals to take the reader  through a process to increase collaboration. There is also a chapter for leaders to help them to increase the collaboraiton among those they lead. This book has useful collaboration models to help the reader to understand collaboration and trust.   We are in the final edit of this now. Sign up for my email list by June 15th to get a free copy before its available for sale.

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Thank you so much for reading. Please reach out with any comments or questions in the comment section or at my email collierak@me.com.

Defending Weak and Vulnerable vs. Becoming Bitter and Taking the Others Offenses

There is a difference between sticking up for the weak and defenseless. And taking up an inappropriate offense with or from someone else.

Everything I’m about to write applies to Christians.

In today’s political environment it is hard to know the motives of the enraged.

It is wise to break things down and look to Christ for guidance about how to live and to react and to think. Let Jesus have the final say and not our unstable emotions.

To ignore him is to be utterly lost, nothing is really right, and nothing is really wrong.

There are several ways of thinking that Jesus did, and still does teach his followers to adopt.

Way 1: think that my own sin is the worst of all, I deserve judgement, I deserve difficulty and hardship, I don’t deserve ease and a high place of privilege. When I am disrespected, or treated harshly or judged or insulted I am getting precisely and exactly what I deserve. We are not to allow Gods mercy and grace and favor, and easy life-situations turn us into privileged, self-centered children in our thinking.

Way 2: when I see others acting with and taking the privilege of personal anger and revenge toward people. I am not to take up their offense. That is a root of bitterness. It burrows into your psyche and destroys your mental health.

That particular anger is violent. It’s true that there are times when “silence is violence”, but not always, often silence is wisdom. When extreme injustices are happening to people who are unable to defend themselves (think Nazis murdering Jews, think babies being murdered, think women being raped) cowardly silence is part of the violence. But silently disagreeing with certain philosophies is not violence.

Jumping in on someone else’s offense is a mistake. Joining my brother or sister in rage does spiritual harm to them. It is itself a form of violence toward them. It’s a portrayal a display of what you think you should be, and it’s a display for self serving reasons. Will you turn on him or her or will they turn on you when you disagree about something else? Yes probably, because deep rooted bitterness and angry revenge aimed at individuals or people groups is violence that always spreads.

Joining in on revenge on society is sinful. Jesus-followers follow Jesus, they take on his reaction to life and to others. They take on his attitude toward sin. They let bitterness and revenge die and let the life and love of Jesus move and dominate them.

Taking away someone’s right to be alive or own property or have personal space is not a solution to any form of sin.

Way 3: We are able to extend mercy and forgiveness toward others because we have received God’s mercy and forgiveness personally. This is the foundation of a civilized society. Not government, that is secondary! Not a constitution, and not our particular hero winning the Whitehouse. If we begin to think that certain sins require bitterness and revenge and violent anger then we are altogether undone.

For Example: if my Christian friend from another race experiences violence because of his race. If he gets beat up, wallet stolen, and verbally disrespected. And I come upon the scene, wrestle down the attacker, call the police, hold him until the police come, return the wallet. I have defended the oppressed. I’ve done the work of the Lord in that situation. If I were to watch that situation and do nothing, that cowardly silence would be a form of violence.

But if 1 year later my friend remains deeply bitter toward his attacker, if he teaches his kids to go after revenge. If he obsesses over getting insulted, and quickly gets violent at a hint of things that remind him. If he forever displays sensitivity against this man and his family. If he is angered by suggestion of forgiveness and grace. If he demands money from him and his children through lawsuits. Then a root of bitterness is defiling him and his children. Forgiveness is the final word for this Christian, because he himself is also a sinner and has received great forgiveness in Christ himself.

Me taking up his offense and his bitterness would be inappropriate and even sinful. It would defile both me and him. Jesus followers follow Jesus they don’t follow the temptation to sin. They don’t feel justified with offense and revenge and bitterness.

If a Christian really wants to “make the world a better place” they are to follow Jesus Christ in preaching Jesus Christ. Not follow satan to spread bitterness and unforgiveness. Let the lost Satan followers do what their father demands, but let the Christian spread forgiveness and life.

moon in kingdom of darkness

The Only Conspiracy That Matters

Conspiracies imply the actors in charge understand what they are doing. Sometimes they do but most the time they do not. They are just trying to stay in power, keep their money.

Talking about conspiracies is a carnal version, the worldly version of preaching the gospel. It’s fighting against flesh and blood and not the spiritual powers.

What really matters are the motives of the spiritual authorities. What THEY are doing and WHY they are doing it. Is much more important. Focus on that.

Exposing these powers and principalities is part of the gospel of the kingdom

The gospel is not three steps to getting into heaven or four steps to living your best life RIGHT NOW.

No it is death, it’s utterly abandoning Satan’s world, his plans and systems and hierarchies and sin, and it is publically siding with the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ and it will get you in trouble. It will get you hated.

It is death and it is resurrection in Jesus Christ.

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