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Here are my most recent posts

Giving Audience

If we knowingly give audience to people (even certain clergy) or things that our Lord has already pointed out to us as hostile or contrary to Him. Then it is very possible it has turned into idolatry, and we know deep within if it has or not.

Who and what a Christian gives audience to … is a very big deal.

Once a Christian realizes he has entered into idolatry it is critical he change direction and stop. It is wise to loudly dash all our idols to pieces ASAP! Smash them with a sledge hammer and light them on fire (not speaking literally). And let the neighbors watch, then explain what you are doing to them in detail 😅.

This is what Jesus followers do, what and who we give audience to is under the Lord’s direct and strict control, we love him so much that we give him that.

“Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge…,” Peter and John in Acts 4

So when people you are giving audience to teach or preach or spew logic at you that is contrary to Jesus Christ, react like Peter and John and blow them off then maybe even kindly explain it to them.

The Last Best Hope of Man

Warning This post is likely to bug people but I must post it for my Christian friends and family.

America is not “the last best hope of man.”, it never was, Reagan was mistaken,

Jesus Christ and his government on earth is the last’s best hope for mankind. Jesus already has a govt on earth, it is called the ecclesia (in Greek). It is not a government with a constitution and bill of rights written in Washington DC.

It is also not wealthy 501c3 corporations we call churches or denominations, those are religious companies made up of Christians repeating tradition inherited from our parents.

But within many of those corporations and all around the earth is the remnant of the “ecclesia”, the real government of Jesus Christ on earth. It doesn’t need money, or hierarchy, or political connections.

I grew up on Ronald Reagan, loved the guy, but as an adult I see things differently, he was mistaken about America from a spiritual perspective. I also love America and understand why he said it but his way of thinking doesn’t jive with the gospel of the kingdom and the true and originally intended nature of the church.

America may be the last hope for man APART from Christ. If Christ must be excluded. I can reluctantly agree with that. But then if that’s the case it has become a well-meaning competitor with Jesus Christ hasn’t it? Just like Rome and most every other government.

NOTHING will stand as a competitor to Jesus Christ.

“If man will not be ruled by God (Jesus Christ) he MUST be ruled by tyrants.” It’s required, it’s inevitable, Satan has many rights to us outside of Christ.

This is first and foremost true among real Christians. I believe this is why so called “churches” around the nation are being shut down by governors and bureaucrats.

Don’t we weekly refuse Gods rule through the Holy Spirit, in exchange for pious entertainement and eloquent self-help speeches? We call worship and sermons, what are they accomplishing? Who really believes they are being discipled by this?

I believe this is the most important issue of our generation, the lordship of Jesus Christ when we gather. some great guy? or Jesus himself? I don’t believe we can get away with the immaturity and idolatry that’s former generations did.

I don’t dare take sides in elections this year. A party of tyrants or a party of idolators. My strong inclination is to vote with the idolators but I’m not convinced we are not due for tyranny.

All I can do is pray, pray, pray. Either side wins I wonder if it may be the same outcome.

If you disagree please comment.

What Is Brotherly Love

“Now concerning love of the brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anyone write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another…”

Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:9

If our love of one another is cold, if we call social pleasantries (which are actually quite distant) as examples of our love. Then we are deceiving ourselves and one another.

To really love someone is to spend entire Christian gatherings speaking with them back and forth.

Brotherly love involves a good deal of conflict, it involves confession of sins back and forth. It is giving of things, it is in helping our brothers and they us. It is not a distant hand shake and a “how you doing?, and a “boy that was a good sermon”

If we don’t get past a distant periodic hand shake and a “how you doing?” God is not able to teach us as Christians how to love one another. God cannot get to teaching us because of coldness, we won’t allow it, our collective tradition of coldness prevents him.

Hearing sermons accomplishes close to nothing spiritually.

A two-hour banquet and face to face gathering can be more spiritual than 500 hours of sermons.

Most sermons are like a nagging wife or husband, like a constant dripping on your ceiling of a leaky roof. Forever reminding us to do things we already know to do, but never quite giving us the ability to do them.

But Jesus does give us the ability, he teaches us the impossible then he empowers us. And he miraculously does both through fellow Christians. I hear and see Jesus in fellow Christians, even immature ones. Even ones I don’t enjoy being around.

Brotherly love is defined by the ecclesia. It is seen exclusively in the gatherings of Christian brothers and sisters.

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