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Jesus Worhsip

Why I am Not Voting in 2020

Warning this post is long, please read in entirety.

There are three types of people who will read this post:

  1. Those who read this and quickly become angry then refuse to try to understand what I am saying. They wont care what I’m saying and will say “I am throwing my vote away and thereby supporting the other side.”
  2. Those who do not read blog posts and will not read much beyond a few words and frankly don’t care, and will not be able to understand.
  3. Those who read and understand and conclude that there is a good chance they have embraced an entirely different gospel from that of the new testament, and this see that election is exposing that.

Most Christians have not heard and therefore have not embraced the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. They’ve embraced the gospel of salvation only. They’ve embraced a gospel that has little to do with earth. They have allowed the state to manage the earth. They’ve bought into the idea that the state always controls things here on earth and that Jesus just rules heaven. But the gospel that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ preached does not teach that. The earth is the Lords! and he will have it once again.

If you are reading this then please don’t stop, please keep reading. God may be using this election to expose something and this post will explain it.

When John the Baptist and Jesus Christ began to preach the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Part of their message was that the religious and governmental systems that the people were loyal to and cooperative members of, including their political systems, were not loyal to God. That is a very big deal and nothing to wink at. These systems were essentially branches of the domain of darkness (Colossians 1:13), or the kingdom of Satan. These systems were not only not loyal to God but they were openly hostile to God and were loyal to Satan without understanding it. John taught his followers to repent of sin but also to repent of loyalty to Satan and his principalities and powers. Principalities that ruled through both the Jewish religious and the Roman civic authorities.

Looking back through history it is not hard to see now, the blatant evil in the Jewish and Roman governments of the first century. That is true of most history, governments almost always are evil, and if not just wait a generation or so, for Satan to impose himself.

But if we were living back then I might imagine it was not so easy to accept John’s call to come out from among both the Pharisees and the Romans and be separate (2 Cor 6:17).

Human government apart from Jesus Christ is a branch of the government of Satan. Of that I am sure, that is the most consistent reality that can be seen throughout history. Human government is the biggest threat to human safety and well being. Some of the best and brightest and well intentioned men have been corrupted during their pursuit of power. George Washington’s greatest accomplishment was walking away from power when he could have been king.

When I became a Christian 28 years ago I heard the gospel of salvation. I think my experience is average of most Christians of today. I decided to follow Christ, to accept him and to begin to attend church and try to live for him and free of sin. I did not however hear the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ articulated until decades later. Which is the entire story, the gospel of salvation is true but it is incomplete, there is much more to the story. I have attempted to share this gospel in other posts.

The gospel of the kingdom brings Jesus and God out of heaven and sets them right here on earth. Right here in the midst of Satan’s dominion, right under his nose and right where he doesn’t want Jesus to be. Another way of saying this is that Jesus Christ is re-claiming the earth through his followers. His followers make up what is called his ecclesia, his called out ones who gather in his name, his government on earth. Additionally, his method for advancing himself into the earth is through the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom.

The gospel that John and Jesus preached does not and did not keep God in heaven and man on earth. But the gospel that evangelicals and many denominations preach today keeps God in heaven. And that we are to tolerate, cooperate with, and even pursue control of human government (apart from him) here on earth.

The gospel of the kingdom merged man and God into a new kingdom, a new and alternative system of government. That alternative system of government that represented Jesus Christ to the rest of fallen humanity enslaved by the world system is called the ecclesia (poorly translated church).

The ecclesia of Jesus Christ was and is a place and a people where God is in charge. And he is in charge as a life-giving spirit through and by each member. He rules through a people who are to die daily to the world system and to their own fallen nature.

So that Jesus Christ can live through his followers, who are also referred to as his ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20).

We all know that Jesus is high and exalted and seated far above all principality and powers. But he also is the creator of the earth, He made it and he owns it and he deserves it. And He is setting out to reclaim it from Satan. Will we cooperate with him in that? or will we will be forced into forever cooperating with Satan?

Today…Where Is Jesus Lord?

Fast forward to here and now. Here and now being late October 2020 days before the presidential election in the USA. Trump v. Biden, one of the most contentious and tumultuous political seasons that I can remember.

Many on each side pressure others to be sure to vote, be sure to weigh in and decide who should rule the human government which imposes itself over the American nation.

Many teach that it is our duty to vote because people fought wars against evil people to give us that right to vote.

Many believe that the human government as defined by the founding fathers and the constitution is an extension of the will of Jesus Christ.

Many believe that Jesus is for one candidate over and against the other, and if his followers will just vote for the right one. Then Gods will will be done and we will be blessed for it.

Many believe that Jesus is up there guiding his people to support certain candidates and to oppose others.

John MacArthur whom I have respect for has come out saying it is impossible to be a Christian and vote for Joe Biden and his Democrat ticket.

I tend to agree for a number of reasons. Where I may differ from MacArthur is that he aligns himself with Trump. MacArthur gives the two main reasons for this being abortion and the homosexual and transgender agenda imposing itself on society. However, a thoughtful person sees that Trump does support abortion in several cases.

Trump also is supportive of LGBT moral agendas around the world. Its intellectually lazy and possibly dishonest to say otherwise. This is my biggest problem with many republican and conservative politicians. They say one thing during elections but don’t lead accordingly when they have power. They seem to become (once elected) as much a part of the evil system that is our federal government as the other side. In my opinion voting Trump is voting Democrat – Lite. Voting Republican is often a lot like voting for a democrat from a few decades ago. They are still cooperating with wherever “the state” is taking society. They are cooperating and they must cooperate with wherever Satan is taking society with his human government. And where he is attempting to take humanity is in the opposite direction of Jesus Christ. Even very Godly Christians if elected, necessarily will cooperate with Satan if they want to remain in power in the government.

Where the state is taking society is not along the way of Jesus Christ. Only the ecclesia of Jesus Christ is and can do that. And the ecclesia is its own government from above. It is not to be a part of human government neither can it be. Jesus Christ himself is the head of the ecclesia and his followers cannot fit into our two party system. Cannot be a part of the principalities and powers who report to Satan (whether they realize it or not).

The founding fathers did an amazing thing, it was brilliant, it was and remains, in my opinion. The best human system of government, apart from Christ, that the world has ever seen. But it is not the ecclesia.

But you might argue yet look at the church, its almost irrelevant, almost every pastor in our land preaches a different often times nonsensical self-centered sermon. Most are about our government, during this election cycle, many are not even Christian people anymore themselves. Many have made God to be in their own image and have thrown out scripture. You might argue then “We need the federal government because the church is irrelevant.”

And to that I would say God has no back up plan to his ecclesia. The government cannot do what the ecclesia is not currently doing. The only hope for mankind is not America, it is and remains Jesus Christ. It remains God’s people following Jesus Christ alone. No human government system be it a denomination of certain types of churches, or a federal government can replace Jesus personally guiding and directing his people from within.

Separation of Church and State sounds nice but this Marxist idea puts the state in ascendancy over the church. It distorts and mutilates the church in order to make it be an obedient subset of the state.

Left, right, center terminology about politics originated in Europe in the 1830’s, among the Philosophers who were leading up to the communist philosophy of Karl Marx.

Our government is not the body of Christ.

If all the Christians were as passionate about following and obeying Jesus Christ. And about making him Lord of their lives and their Christian fellowships. Then the government and its politics would take care of itself. If we can absorb ourselves and obsess ourselves with making Jesus Christ Lord of the earth. We wouldn’t need a president to fight our battles and protect us from the devils who already hold so much power in our government.

The Gospel of the State

The American government is not of Jesus Christ. I understand how biblical and how godly most of the founding fathers were. I understand how they prayed and wanted to build a government that was not evil like what they had experienced. But the truth is, our government has almost entirely embraced what I call the gospel of the state. Most of our government today openly and blatantly ignore the constitution and the laws they don’t like and even basic sanity like not killing babies. And not enslaving black people. And not medically experimenting on the weak. And not enslaving the minorities with a cruel welfare state in exchange for votes. The constitution is only as strong as the resolve of everyone to follow it. Voting is only as good as the people being voted for. Germany voted in Hitler, if the majority is nuts then what good is voting? If Satan can control the votes then its not a system from Jesus Christ. (January 2021 update) If a minority of powerful people in swing states can manipulate the votes to nullify the will of the majority, what good is voting?

Much of our politics is Marxist already, which is atheistic. It is hostile to Jesus Christ. I know this because politicians and philosophers openly take things Jesus taught, remove him and try to implement his policies. They have a real problem with Jesus personally, have no faith he is alive today, and many don’t believe he existed (even while they plagiarize him.) I dare say that a modern American Christian with their intense support for politicians resemble atheist Marxists more than Jesus Christ this election season. Their hope is in their government and their chosen politicians. They have just replaced communism or Marx with the constitution, or more commonly with a conservative candidate for presidency. In the minds of these Christians the highest place on earth is given to the president, how many people refer to the president as the “leader of the free world” or the one who is “running the country”.

Let me be clear:

Jesus Christ is high and exalted above the free world (and unfree world).

Jesus Christ is the constitution for my government.

Jesus Christ is my founding father.

Jesus Christ is “the last best hope for mankind.”

These titles belong to Jesus Christ alone. And to deny him that and give it to Trump or Biden or some other politician I believe is idolatry for the Christian… if you care. If this angers you, why?

“For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. All the prosperous of the earth eat and worship; before him shall bow all who go down to the dust, even the one who could not keep himself alive. Posterity shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation; they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭22:28-31‬ ‭ESV‬

I believe that Jesus does not want me to vote this year. Not to slight Trump, who I’d normally vote for over the other side. Not because I’m mad at him. I tend to think that God is using him to stir up and expose things that need that.

I have heard the gospel of the kingdom, and it changes everything for me. It explains everything for me.

I want the kingdom of Jesus Christ to rule the earth. I am voting no confidence in the American government. It is too large, Trump wasn’t able to effectively drain the swamp (even if he wanted to) because the swamp worked for him. America will (maybe) thrive and continue not because we elect the right president but because the American people follow Jesus Christ. And if we won’t, then we are done for. We could elect one of the 12 apostles to run the executive branch he’d be limited in what he could do with our current situation.

For more on this topic read Tim Keller’s article below.

NY Times Opinion Piece by Tim Keller

Opinion | How Do Christians Fit Into the Two-Party System? They Don’t – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

The Real Namaste

As I write this today in the fall of 2019 we celebrate Diwali at my place of work, there are many Indians. Diwali is a 5 day festival celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists (notably Newar Buddhists). Namaste is a common greeting spoken during Diwali and in Hinduism Namaste means “I bow to the divine in you.”

But I am thinking that in a spiritual sense saying Namaste is an empty gesture with those who do not welcome Jesus Christ within. The truth is there is no living divine within a person who has rejected Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only divine that can live in a person. The divine part of humanity that was put there by the creator has been killed off by sin. Out side of Jesus Christ death reigns supreme in a human being. There may be good intention, there may be well-meaning religion but there is no real divine outside of Jesus Christ.

Christians in the New Testament did the real version of Namaste. You can find many examples of this in scripture. They were trained to do this and they submitted to Jesus Christ in one another. They were trained and able to see Christ in one another and hear from him from the greatest to the least of them. We need to restore this today.

The Real Namaste

Bowing to Jesus in one another is the foundation real spiritual fellowship and to real LOVE.

It is not agreeing intellectually about things. Not being from the same generation. Not having common theology, politics, or world view.

Most Christians today have been trained to bow to the clerical hierarchy, to be loyal to and to hear from God thru some great clergyman they call “pastor”. To think intellectually about God alone, to make sure to agree with theological points. And to jump around among Christians groups until we do.

This is a twisting and is the counterfeit to hearing, seeing, knowing and being loyal to Jesus Christ in one another.

Be it a mature elder in the faith or a new Christian just learning the basics of following Christ. It is possible to see and hear from and experience Jesus Christ within other Christians.

Recently in the same day I reconnected with some Christian friends I hadn’t really spoken with for over a year. One was mature in the Lord and actively setting out to do ministry. The other was younger in the Lord and was really struggling with some things.

In both cases the Lord spurred me on internally, he used the conversations to teach me and to show me a bit of himself. It was beautiful and the fact alone that this was happening encouraged me. This is why it is important that Christians look for and submit to the Christ in one another.

This is the real ‘namaste’.

heavenly places

Marxism 101 – The Gospel of The State

Just read the Communist Manifesto.

After reading iti realize that we here in America are much more Marxist than we are willing to admit.

In the 1830s and 40s Marx and others put to words trends that were already happening and he also made it an atheist movement.

Even supposed conservative Republicans think a lot like Marx today but would hate to admit it… they only pretend not to.

Very few have actually read Marx.

The political fights now are over who runs “the state”. Marx openly put the state in place of God.

Another word for “the state” might be “human government.” We teach human government to our kids in church first then at “public” school we make it atheist. But it’s already there, Jesus was already pushed aside on Sunday mornings by the great man up front with the mic.

I call it a gospel of the state… and satan is its foundation.

Left, right, middle terminology.
“Separation of church and state”
Public property vs private

Are all part of this Marxist ideology.

It’s a satanic plagiarism from Jesus Christ and his body. We learn it in church government forming a government separate and distinct from Jesus himself then teach our kids that God approves of our little hierarchy.

Jesus Christ leading people directly through the Spirit is the ONLY alternative to socialism/ communism/ “the state”.

Communism is a satanic plagiarism of the ecclesia.

Democrats are communist-lite.

Republicans are Democrats-lite. They just slow it down and pretend it’s not that and pretend God approves. We call it “small government”, might as well call it small statism. Small just meaning less or concealed.

Jesus himself alone replaces “the state” and puts it in its place.

The Communist Manifesto itself is a very short read, only an hour and a half on audible. but this Classics version includes a detailed commentary on the political and religious conditions surrounding the writing of the Communist Manifesto.

What has fascinated me about this book is the theological thought leading up to Marx’s Communist Manifesto. And how it almost seems that Marx took over the communist movement and made it an atheist movement. There were several brilliant theologians and philosophers working on communism and socialism, some of which derived their thoughts from Jesus Christ. But it was Marx who took the movement to another level and a level that was atheist.

Marx openly taught that the state was to be seen as an individual who was the intermediary between mankind. We were to interact with one another through the state. The state was to be seen as a person. His description of the state was akin to a description of a god. A spiritual entity that owned all things.

The Gospel of The State

It seems to me that Marx took theories of communism mostly derived from theologians and philosophers some directly from Jesus Christ and his ecclesia. He stripped God from them, replaced God with the idea of an atheist state and created a movement to redefine the governments in Europe. Communism never looked back.

I am making the case with this post that, Marxism is a gospel message. The word gospel just means good news and we get it from Roman emperors declaring their rulership and how a new day had come to a territory. Gospel messages involve rulership over territory on earth. Communist gospel messages are akin to the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. One could call Marxism the gospel of “the state.” A message about the state that makes promises and even, I believe, has good intentions with many of its adherents.

This place given to “the state” I believe was and is still communism’s downfall after the mid 1840’s. For two reasons, the first being that Jesus Christ is real and is the fabric that holds reality and mankind together. The entire universe is going to him, he is the future and when Marx made communism an atheist movement he stripped it of all power. The second reason is the place Marx gave “the state” the god-like virtuous traits. But reality dictates that states are made up of selfish, flawed and temporary human beings. Man cannot have God-like virtues apart from Jesus Christ. Another way of saying this might be that Jesus Christ is the only and real “state” as described by Marx. Only Christ is capable of filling the role of state. Marx was describing Jesus Christ when he formulated his ideas about society. I wonder if he was born in a different era and had not been exposed to the corruption of religion of his day if he would realize he is describing Christ. The life-giving spirit of Jesus Christ is the intermediary between men. Only he is capable of providing for our needs, only he is able to protect and to bind men together.

In America communism was openly rejected for the next 150 years, even up this day in 2020. However many aspects of this gospel of the state, I have recently realize that we have wholly accepted. We are taught this at a very young age, to love and be loyal to the state. Marxism is alive and well in many people in America on both sides of the aisle. We just don’t call it that. In fact we refuse to call it that. We keep our Marxist ideals quiet and concealed and give them different names.

Doctrines of “Separation of church and state” is the sure sign of this fact. I understand the good intention of the doctrine of separation of church and state. In Europe what has been known as church when it was merged with government became extremely corrupting and a horrible combination of religion and power. It was anything but a thing of Jesus Christ. The heirachical institution became a thing of satan, and it simply called itself “church”.

I suggest that there should be no separation of church and state. In that there should be no state. State as an entity should not exist. There should only be ecclesia. The idea of state power is rampant and common throughout America. There are 50 states and a federal government, all in competition, all seemingly growing in their demands and control over the lives of people. Human government, “the state” wherever it is found, is a Satanic threat to our well-being.

It’s Always Been A State

It was a state that socialist nationalist Hitler used to kill 11 million Jews Christians and minorities.

It was a state that communist Lenin used to kill tens of millions of people in Russia.

In fact looking back in history its always been a state in one form or another which has afflicted attrocities and suffering on mankind.

Humanity is incapable of statehood. Humanity must experience the death that associated with Jesus Christ to experience his kingship, his statehood over our lives. And the extent that we refuse him is the extent that we ask for satanic kingship over our lives and our nations.

“The gospel of the state” has been embraced and is proclaimed all over the world today. It can be seen in the passion it produces in its followers. The state has disciples who war with one another for control of it. One side fears another. One side competes to get its king, its strongman to protect itself from the other side. The gospel of the state teaches that we don’t need Jesus Christ to rule the earth through his people. We need a state with a great human to head it, we need a king like the evil nations have (read 1 Samuel). As when Israel demanded a king from Samuel, we demand our hero king to protect, to provide, to defend and lead us into the future.

I am convinced that the majority of conservative republicans, liberal democrats and avowed Marxists have embraced the gospel of the state in different degrees and ways. The “theology” varies but the message is the same. The beliefs are the same, that “the state” reigns supreme on the earth. At best we’ll give Jesus a fancy religious building that the state can keep its thumb upon. But other than that the church (as envisioned in the gospel of the state) is inferior to the state. The state is king, Jesus gets heaven but the state gets earth, we dont think much about the spiritual nature of the state. But the state controls the real estate of the earth.

But the truth is when we exclude and push down Jesus Christ we are promoting satan. We exalt him to stay in power. Paul mentioned Satan’s “domain of darkness”, and the “principalities and powers” in the heavenly places. Jesus is high and far above these evil powers… but not forever. The principalities and powers are “the state”. They are its source of power, they are its life-source. The state is a satanic entity, for now. But there is a coming a day when they all get cast down and Jesus rules heaven AND EARTH like he deserves.

This gospel of the state is terrifying, not because it is so compelling or evil sounding but becuase it is so deceptive and pervasive. Even private Christian schools accidentally teach it to young children, lay its foundation in 4 year old Christian kids. As someone taught to have disdain for Marxism even I, raised a conservative republican. Who supposedly is fiercely small government, had accepted what I am now calling “the gospel of the state”. And just a bit less than any East German or Russian Marxist.

Who rules the earth?

A gospel is about who rules the earth, not how to get to heaven. Most conservative Christians do not realize this. We’ve tried to redefine the word but Jesus is not ok with that. Evangelicals have emphasized going to heaven after death so much that what happens here on earth is a thing relegated to the state. The gospel of the state is bigger than the gospel of salvation in the minds of most Americans and even the Christians I know. The gospel of salvation from Jesus fits neatly inside the gospel of the state. The state allows for the gospel of salvation within the regulated 4 walls of a clergy- ruled, a clergy-qualified, a loyal to the state-clergy system that is easily manipulated with tax laws and even threat of removing its building if necessary. The gospel of the state is bigger, in the minds of most Christians. It was not bigger before Constantine but it is bigger now. And Marx and his friends put eloquent and intellectual words to this gospel. They wrapped it up, surrounded it with a dose of atheism and put Jesus in his place. Somewhere up in heaven, distant and far away from the control of the state.

But what Marx did not realize is that this Jesus Christ is still in the earth, living within his people. Jesus is also high above the earth and above his state. Marx didn’t understand the principalities and powers at work in his ideas but he described them brilliantly.

The gospel of the state is actually terrible news, not good news. Its more of the same satanic propaganda humanity has heard since Cain left Eden.

The real gospel, the real good news remains and is increasing. The cure and remedy to the gospel of the state is, as always, the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ makes Jesus the head of state. But its not a state that is an earthly government it is a love filled network where he teaches, provides, protects, and fills humanity. Jesus Christ is not a state but it fills the role of a state like only it can. And the ecclesia are his ambassadors, sprinkled all over the earth in the hostile territory of satanic principalities and powers. Ambassadors who are willing to suffer and give up their lives for the will of their king. Voluntarily poverty is wiped out by giving. Confusion and evil teachings are undone as the ecclesia declares the mind of Christ and gradually understand all things.

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