Recently (January 2020) I had a bad experience with low blood sodium. It put me in the hospital overnight. It was a horrible experience. I suffered for about 12 hours before they were able to get my blood sodium levels up.
I sat in the ER for about an hour waiting to get relief. They had no open rooms. I felt desperate to escape the suffering. Praying to Jesus for help.
Then I heard a familiar voice.
It was the voice of an elderly woman calling out to Jesus. Groaning in pain, “help me Jesus.”
Frankly, her calls for help were very familiar, this is because they were what I was saying in my own mind. At that moment I had such a feeling of compassion for her. She had a younger woman with her who seemed to have absolutely no compassion for her. She just didn’t seem to understand or care.
I began to pray for her and it helped to take my mind off my own body.
This experience has me thinking about suffering. Trying to make sense of it, how does it fit into the plan of God?
I think Jesus set the pattern for his followers and part of that pattern includes suffering. There is even appointed a time for us to die. But then the resurrection. Suffering is temporary, it does a special work in us and it ends. Just like for Jesus Christ. Jesus prayed to avoid the suffering that was coming to him but the Father wanted him to experience it for a reason.
In the book of 1 Peter, Peter covers suffering for us. Suffering is a calling for us all. It’s not a sign of punishment or lack of faith. It’s part of the experience of a Jesus follower.
“TO THIS WE HAVE BEEN CALLED” – 1 Peter 2:2 The idea that 1 Peter 3,4 doesn’t apply to Christians today is inaccurate. The idea that Jesus did all our suffering so we don’t have to, is not in the New Testament, and it is an old attitude of the rich and elite of the world.
Fear is basically the dread and avoidance of suffering.
Instead I think God wants us to walk right into suffering by faith WITH Jesus Christ with our heads held high. Asking for healing expecting his help.
Periodic suffering is part of our calling. It’s normal, expect it, it’s ok, it is not heresy to say that suffering is ok.
“For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you DO GOOD and SUFFER for it you ENDURE, this is a GRACIOUS thing in the SIGHT OF GOD (the only one who matters). For to this you have been called because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.”
1 Peter 2:20-21 ESV
T. Austin Sparks is a British Bible teacher from the 50s thru the 70s who has a great 8-part series on suffering.
They are called, “Faith Unto Enlargement Through Adversity.”
If you are suffering, and can concentrate, listen to these teachings.