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When its NOT ok to Break Fellowship with Fellow Christians

A respected friend of mine recently wrote somewhere that it is a sin to break fellowship with Christians over differences in theology including ecclesiology (paraphrased). He also wrote on his blog that constantly offering unsolicited advise drives people away.

I am compelled to admit I have done both of these. Breaking fellowship over differences in ecclesiology, how I believe the church should gather. And I have offered unsolicited advice, mostly general advice on social media.

Ecclesiology is the theology of the ecclesia, aka the church. To be specific, ecclesiology is the theology concerning the nature of Christian ministry and gatherings of Christians.

Over the past several years I have been excited and at times passionate about rethinking and reforming how Christians gather for church meetings. Hoping to bring meetings closer to what Jesus began among his followers and what we read about in the New Testament.

If I am being perfectly honest, this effort of mine has seemed to have mostly fallen on deaf ears. I’ve not been able to change existing churches that I associate with. I’ve sat down with many men in the ministry, and many saints who feel frustrated about similar problems. They agree at least in principle with what I suggest but leave it at that.

My efforts do seem to have been fruitless. As difficult as that is to admit.

Christians in my day seem only interested in inspiring sermons. And ministry to most means “helping others to hear sermons.”

I can’t fully express how disappointing this has been to me. To see what I see of the Lord’s plan for his kingdom on earth. To see it yet not be able to do anything about it. Even among the Christians in my own family and friends. It’s been one of the most exciting and disappointing revelations from the Lord of my life.

NOT Ok to Break Fellowship Over Theological Differences

What I do know is that it is not ok with the Lord to break fellowship with the Christians in our lives because we disagree on matters like these. Jesus followers are meant to be in fellowship one with another. It is sinful to abandon one another or drive people away, because we have differing church or ministry visions. The verse about “how can two walk together lest they be in agreement?” is taken out of context. It does not mean we have to agree on everything to remain in fellowship.

No two Christians will agree on everything all the time. And if they do, one of them is not thinking for himself, he is likely immature, and not fully following the Lord, And he is likely merely following other inspiring men.

I think it is actually good to not see eye to eye on every matter, that is one of the things that fellowship is for. Iron sharpening iron. Working out of differences as we seek the Lord’s wisdom and will TOGETHER. That is how we are to come to the mind of Christ by working it out together.

When it comes to church gatherings I’ve found the most important thing is to be led of the Holy Spirit. If the Lord leads you to attend a sermon church, then go without hesitation. If the Lord inspires you to stay home and teach your family or friends then do so without guilt. If the Lord inspires you to ask out a friend to lunch to share something then do so faithfully. Make no rules!

Doing always the same thing without asking permission and guidance about where, when and what to gather around. That is error. Being flexible and submissive every single day, every single moment to the leadings of the spirit of Jesus Christ. And to not hold grudges, not give out cold shoulders if we cannot get into agreement on certain matters.

We are not to operate on Sunday autopilot! Forever doing the same thing as if that is earning us some sort of status. Church attendance status is not a thing in the kingdom of God. If it’s a thing with you ….then I’m not sure who you’re following.

Listening to and cooperating with the Spirit of the Lord is what “earns” us something. If he is leading you to do the same thing for decades and it involves sitting idle then I’d question something else.


Jesus can talk through any of his children at any time, men, women, children, stubborn, passive, and those with imperfect or differing theologies. Be willing to meet with them in any way, and at any time and always. Always listen for the voice of the Lord, the Spirit of Jesus Christ for specific leadings and instructions.

Denying Oneself Is Not For the Immature

“Deny yourself take up your cross and follow me.” Ever try it? Sometimes it’s not so bad but other times it’s very unpleasant.

Often following Jesus Christ involves denying oneself.

Non-chalamt Christianity, Luke warm I don’t care Christianity will not deny himself. It just refuses, when push comes to shove that Christian will cave to the flesh, to non-Christians and even to Satan quite easily.

I’ve found that sometimes this denying takes a bit of aggression.

Be aggressive, and be dramatic in your serving and following the wonderful Lord Jesus.

What is Christian Self-Help?

Open letter those working church jobs that require the weekly sermon:

I love the sermon, its a work of art by those really skilled in speaking and inspiration.

However, I think now is a great time for pastors and priests to consider openly moving into the self-help space with their speaking skills.

The gospel message that most preachers share is essentially self-help already. When a preacher’s gospel is so incomplete and does not measure up to that of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Self-help is what it is, whether we realize it or not. We might as well openly go there because we are and there is more money to be made in self-help.

Acknowledge it or not, a great many of Christian ministries are not spiritual things. They are worldly endeavors, fleshly, pious things of fallen humanity. Many ministries today are essentially Christianity watered down into self-help.

I think the honest clergyman, can just build an online platform and begin to inspire and teach people how to lose weight.

Or teach people how to jump-start their careers.

Or teach people better ways to make money.

Or teach people how to travel and “make the world a better place.”

There is huge demand for these things. Just move into an adjacent speaking market.

The gospel that most evangelicals proclaim, a “how to get to heaven” gospel is just self-help anyhow, it always has been. However it was not the gospel of John the Baptist or Jesus Christ or his apostles.

The gospel of the expanding kingdom of Jesus Christ. The gospel that infuriates both sides of the aisle politically. The gospel that ushers Jesus to displace the Kings, Senators, and presidents of the world. The gospel that brings heaven to earth and results in tremendous conflict in doing so. The gospel that explains all things, the one that is reality itself explained …from God’s perspective. The gospel that costs the Jesus follower… absolutely everything, in that it is likely to get us attacked for preaching it.

That gospel.. is worth living and dying for, it’s worth getting arrested for, it’s worth risking our neck for. It is worth losing a career and a whole lot of friends for.

And let’s be honest with one another if our gospel is really just not that. If we are too proud to see just how lacking our Bible degree is. If it is really not cooperating with Jesus as he expands his rule and his kingdom into the earth …then it already is just Christian self-help.

And there are many other good options to make money in self-help, and the govts won’t harass us for, we could become the next Tony Robbins, think of the $$$ millions to be made!

(can you feel the sarcasm?)

The gospel of the kingdom can not be communicated in a 45 minute sermon, maybe a year of them all in careful sequence. And especially not in a 5 minute altar call.

It is not able to be condensed without losing its essence. And if you think it can then we are not talking about the same gospel.

Click here for the start of my video series –> trying to communicate the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Also this book is highly recommended.

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