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The gods of entertainment.

Dionysus was the Greek god of entertainment, theater, religious ecstasy and wine. The Romans adopted him and called him Bacchus.

His origins are uncertain, and his cults took many forms; some are described by ancient sources as Thracian, others as Greek.[7][8][9]Though most accounts say he was born in Thrace, traveled abroad, and arrived in Greece as a foreigner, evidence from the Mycenaean period of Greek history shows that he is one of Greece’s oldest attested gods. His attribute of “foreignness” as an arriving outsider-god may be inherent and essential to his cults, as he is a god of epiphany, sometimes called “the god that comes”.[10]

Wine played an important role in Greek culture, and the cult of Dionysus was the main religious focus surrounding its consumption.[11] Wine, as well as the vines and grapes that produce it, were seen as not only a gift of the god, but a symbolic incarnation of him on earth.[12]However, rather than being a god of drunkenness, as he was often stereotyped in the post-Classical era, the religion of Dionysus centered on the correct consumption of wine, which could ease suffering and bring joy, as well as inspire divine madness distinct from drunkenness.[13] Performance art and drama were also central to his religion, and its festivals were the initial driving force behind the development of theatre.[14] The cult of Dionysus is also a “cult of the souls”; his maenads feed the dead through blood-offerings, and he acts as a divine communicant between the living and the dead.[15] He is sometimes categorised as a dying-and-rising god.[16] (source is Wikipedia)

Dionysus was a religious idea but he was also real, he was a demon spirit. As are all the gods worshipped. We just give them names and personalities. In reality just demons occupying places of power, called the “principalities and powers in high places.” See Ephesians 6:12, Ephesians 1:21 and Colossians 1:16.

Today our powerful entertainment system, centered in Hollywood (in the US) seems, to have a godless spiritual source. A chief spirit who is in charge pulling the strings, who is hostile to Jesus Christ.

Actors loyal to Jesus Christ are often ostracized from Hollywood. If they are not now, they are soon to be. Or pushed out by being forced to work contrary to their conscience being forced to decide between a career and their conscience.

This is one of many articles about Hollywood and this topic. https://jashow.org/articles/why-hollywood-hates-christianity/

The point of this particular article is to identify the spiritual forces or force above the entertainment system. There is a god over the evil systems we have inherited, demons (gods) pulling strings and motivating much of what happens in the entertainment system.

When we revolve our lives around entertainment we worship Dionysus. We don’t give him that name anymore but he is still there. The demonic spirit that they called Dionysus is still worshipped today. I don’t think he cares what name we give him as long as we worship him. And keep our spiritual seeking and gazing off of f the spirit of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. His is a demonic ministry of distraction.

Don’t get me wrong there is nothing inherently wrong with entertainment. But entertainment hostile to and outside of Jesus Christ when it entangles, enslaves and addicts people to itself and distracts us from the kingdom of God is sin. All entertainment is to be brought in subjection to the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

If it’s not submissive to the Lord, it becomes idolatrous and becomes even worship of other gods.

Be VERY careful with your entertainment if you are a Jesus follower. If not you might find yourself tangled up with Dionysus in your social media feed on your smartphone or your Netflix app. Don’t disregard this, take not of the impact of entertainment on yourself and your loved ones.

Eyewitnesses of His Majesty

For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.”
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1:16-18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Men whose eyes have seen the King. By T. Austin Sparks part 1: http://audio.austin-sparks.net/TAS0155.mp3

Many of the disciples saw Jesus Christ in a way that caused them to leave all and follow him. They saw his majesty; they saw his glory. They saw him as he really IS, and it changed them forever. Furthermore, their view of him changed the world forever. The fact that they saw Jesus Christ as he really is, the fact that they saw his glory.

In light of this we should never make the foundation of our ministry upon anything else besides Jesus Christ.

Our Ministry Foundation

Not to take anything away from great ministers of the past but for example, Martin Luther, made his ministry founded on the idea that the bible alone “sola scriptura” and not the Roman clergy should be our foundation. And no doubt that was a message God used him to help his generation with so I don’t mean to criticize but for subsequent ministers to make that their ministerial foundation is an overemphasis on something that is deeply lacking and inferior to Jesus Christ.

Calvin and Wesley made it on different sides of the issue of predestination. They began to divisively define many Christians around them on that one narrow issue. Creating opponents out of those who should be brothers dwelling together in unity. Sometimes judging and squabbling very unfairly with one another. Other preachers have founded their ministry upon evangelism. I have watched many, many modern ministers and pastors founding their ministries upon things like faith for miracles, or hope, or love. Good things that should be discussed but when overemphasized and made to be the central foundation of their entire ministry its out of balance. Some make the particulay denomination that they inherited their unique distinction, taking up the offenses and overemphasis of the past as their own personal battles. Making their pet issues more critical than Jesus Christ Himself.

There is this mistaken idea that we need to differentiate ourselves from the crowd to get noticed. But when we do this, when we found our ministry on things other. Sooner or later the founding of our ministry gets exposed at least partially, for the work of flesh that it is or was.

If in fact a ministry is not on a spiritual glimpse of Jesus Christ, if our eyes have not seen the King, then our ministry will inevitably be a work of the flesh to varying degrees.

Between Us And Jesus

This was originally posted to my FB account on 2/11/2019:

It is very difficult to fellowship closely with Christians who have someone in between themselves and the Lord.

Because they desperately want to insert that same person (or institution of persons) to be in between you and the Lord. And it is offensive if you resist.

“The Lord is my Shepherd” means Jesus is my pastor.

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