About Adam Collier


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Here are my most recent posts

Jesus Within His People

This post first was shared on my social media feed in 2019:

Jesus Christ is so alive and active and present he can speak through anyone. He can use anyone to speak and to accomplish what he wills.

This is especially true within the church.

He has a special intent and purpose for his church, displaying himself, showing himself within a people.

Imaging himself in a group of people who would normally be cold, separate and indifferent toward one another.

A group who loves one another independent of any distinction or unique qualities. The only distinction is fervent love for the high and exalted person of Jesus Christ.

If We Could Just See Him

If the church could just see the Spirit of Christ flow through one another…through regular every day Christians in meetings. If we could just pursue this, if we who lead others could just allow this to happen. And no longer demand we be the center of the gatherings. If allowing freedom and open sharing become the foundation to our “vision” for church.

This would change everything!

Harassing the Body of Christ

This post originally occurred on my social media wall on 2/15/2019.

I believe that:

The influence of the body of Christ in the US will dramatically increase when the churches:

1) lose tax exempt status
2) members are harassed and persecuted
3) fancy buildings are stolen or demolished out from under them.

“Friendship with the world is hostility to Jesus Christ.”

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