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Here are my most recent posts

What is the Glory of Man?

The glory of man is the greatness and majesty of a person’s presence, their accomplishments and power.

The glory of man in much of history is most evident and on display in the glory of battle or wars. The glory of the warrior was essentially what was spoken of by the masses about the warrior in their life or in their deaths.

Getting into the history books is essentially an example of striving for glory, especially in war and in conquering of other warriors and nations. Alexander the Great was given glory for conquering so many nations. Genghis Khan was and is given glory because of the extreme toughness of his conquering and even the spreading of his genetics all over Asia through the women he had gained by conquest.

Rome used to have as one of its major motivations “for the glory of Rome.”

The Olympics gave glory to the greatest athletes with a wreath, today we do it with valuable medals hung around the neck.

The gods that were worshiped around the world had varying degrees of glory ascribed to them.

Today people strive for glory and greatness through many things, to summarize the concept of the glory of man, I defer to my April 2018 blog post.

The glory of man is to rule over others, it is to have an empire of others to command. It is also to make our ways known and dominant (as in military conquest, or as in leadership vision for a nation or organization). And often it is to have others enrich us financially.


Pursuit and striving for the glory of man ofen creates turf wars among people. It causes us to compete with others. It causes us to abandon bearing one another’s burdens for competitive battling.

Roman emperors, warriors and even citizenry were greatly motivated by the glory of man. The glory of man is synonymous with the pride of life. Read the history books and it is often on display.

Words and phrases used today (in 2021) to describe the glory of man include, “living your best life now.” “Living a fulfilled life.” People “crushing it” in reference to their constnat successes in life. Making the world a better place, when we are actually most often just imposing our wills upon others.

Watch the popular play called Hamilton about the American founding father, Alexander Hamilton. It’s a great display of men striving fir glory.

“History has its eye on us,” was a motivating factor for these men.

Pursuing the glory of man is also a major foundation to human government and in the Gospel of the State. Which is the message of human government which enthralls so many people today and which I am attempting to write a book about.

The glory of man can even be seen in churches these days. By some leaders who use their skills at speaking and leading to accumulate glory unto themselves. It causes them to be competitive with other leaders. It causes them to engage in turf wars. Evidenced by gossiping from the pulpit about other leaders or personal critics. And by the desire to feel dominant over others who would dare not give them the respect they feel they deserve.

Some of the most respected and gifted ministers from the past and present clearly struggle with this need for their glory. And with a tendency to get caught up in turf wars with other ministers and leaders.

Sometimes I wonder if it is better to not be gifted and talented, for those that set out to serve the Lord full time. As it so often gives the servant of God a spiritual handicap. And it can form a foundation for the pride of life. And an addiction to receiving and expecting glory from fans as they fulfill THEIR vision for the church.

The Glory is a man is someting that should go unsatified, unfulfilled and left undone in the lives of those who are relentlessly in pursuit of Jesus Christ.

How to Identify Spiritual Friends

This post is for those confused and who feel betrayed and confused about who is a friend and who is an enemy. Sometimes it is wise to reconsider how you treat people because sometimes the people in your life:

Who we cold shoulder.

Who we turn away from.

That we delay talking to and avoid and even kick out of your little circles.

Are potentially our true spiritual friends, the ones the Lord brings into our lives.

They can help us (and we them) like no one else, they can help us far more than a thousand raving fans who say they are friends. Be careful with the groupies.

There comes a time in our growth as Christians that we must get over … how some people anger the devils we’ve accidentally been listening to.

How can you know who is whom?

If God brings someone into your life you’ll usually know it.

But if there is confusion here are a few things to look for:

Do they challenge you?

Are they mature?

Do they have a life focused on Jesus Christ?

Do they display humility?

Are the circumstances of how they came into your life unique or coincidental?

If we can answer yes to these questions about a person, take note. We should not avoid this person, and spend time with them to see what the Lord might have for us in this person.

But in any case a real spiritual friend will not be afraid of disagreement and conflict. This is absolutely critical. If a person cannot or will not do conflict, for whatever internal reasons, their use spiritually to other people will be limited.

A Glimpse of Government

This post first occurred on my social media platform in February of 2019. It caused me to lose Facebook friends. It’s painful to be abandoned by friends. Especially when they don’t say why.

Once in a while we get a glimpse of what sort of governments are over us. And where their allegiance lies. The idea that this is a Christian nation is not true.

The only legitimate Christian nation is the ecclesia, the church. That sovereign spiritual nation is Jesus Christ in the flesh on earth.

Governments are rarely loyal to Jesus Christ. This is why there is this constant pull away from God and toward stealing, killing, destroying. Constantly relentlessly toward death and evil.

The gospel that John the Baptist and Jesus preached was one of withdrawing from the world systems of government, religion, and entertainment. And joining the new and upcoming kingdom of Jesus Christ that is invading the earth.

Many of our religious systems work hand in hand with the governments, that are brazenly evil and incompetent. Stealing our money then doing all sorts of wickedness with it on our behalf.

Jesus is saying, as always “Come out from among them and be separate.”

We will restore the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, which is the only alternative to the systems and human governments which we have inherited.


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