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Spiritual Ministry or Merely a Sunday Job

Do you have a Sunday job fulfilling and enabling someone else’s ministry vision? Sunday jobs we call ministry are very often impatient abandonment of true spiritual callings.

When we first become a Christian there is no problem in doing blindly what we are trained to do. But then we mature and grow up! If we will allow it.

True callings are only brought about and fulfilled by a free and open community of Jesus-seekers. Communities where people are equal, who share life together …and not just communities who put on weekend sermon events. An organization without hierarchy, without one-way relationships, no celebrities here, no guilt trips, no striving for the attention of the great man in charge. No building up of status and credit in the hierarchy and with the man, for time served.

Pastor-seeking and pastor-centered organizations (which seems to be all most Christians want) and which have custom roles for people to fill like Sunday jobs. Jobs which relieve guilt, or fulfill obligations that are artificially placed upon us by those more ambitious and more influential (obligations which are NOT from the Lord).

These Sunday jobs are an abandonment of our true, collective and individual spiritual ministry and callings.

“Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter (not of obligation, not of guilt trips, not of fitting in, to some organization) but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”‬

2 Corinthians 3:5-6

The nature of Christian ministry is not self-help advice-giving by those with speaking or leadership skills. It is not even a ministry primarily in filling heaven. Our ministry is a ministry of a new covenant and as we gather and sharpen one another, come to know the mind of Christ together. We are together made into ministers of the new covenant between humanity and our creator.

Serving in Sunday jobs might get us a social life, at best, but a social life is not important compared to pleasing Jesus and fulfilling our callings.

Sunday-job ministry attitudes kill real spiritual ministry and spiritual lives, if we allow them to. This hurts the Lord’s place in the earth, and it hurts those who otherwise the Lord might touch through us.

We feel idle and get impatient and disempowered, compared to those on stage. We question within “we’ll I got to do something… right?”

Instead just seek, just respond in obedience, just gather with Jesus followers. He will take it from there. He really will.

The Origins of Cancel Culture

Cancel culture started first at divisive church ideas encouraging people “if you can’t agree with the pastor (who is like our little king) just shop around to find someone you can sit silently and agree with.” (eye roll)

A pastor not too long ago said “if you don’t like pastor so and so go listen to someone else”. All Jesus followers I consider a friend. Disagreement with a friend is not grounds for disliking or unfriending or canceling and censoring.

“Go listen” to someone else’s performance… that is deeply flawed theology of church gatherings. “How can two walk together lest they be in agreement?” Does not apply to Christian gatherings. It’s a cut and paste theology used to rid churches of people who disagree. Wimpy leaders who don’t want to be bothered with disagreement, who insist they get the final word on everything. And who don’t want to acknowledge the fact, (yes fact) that they actually need others to disagree and debate and together come to the mind of Christ on every topic.

Then this attitude it evolved to social media where anything disagreeable offends and then the unfriending and cruel battles online and blocking began.

Now it has evolved to a National scale where entire people groups get canceled, fired, banned, censored for the offense of hurting peoples super sensitive feelings. I believe the cruel left wing elites learned this from church going Christians.

I believe that most major social ills are learned from Christians who believe traditional lies over scripture and over the Spirit of Jesus. They usually start with deceptive theology, doctrines of demons, that inherent then unwittingly cling to.

If we can acknowledge this mistake, especially Christian leaders. Then repent and seek what the Lord wants then we can undo the National situation we are facing.

The Glorious Distraction of Seeking Jesus Christ

“For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:32-33‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:13-14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Sin occurs when we are drawn away by our lust or desires which then give rise to sin. God doesn’t tempt us but our own being drawn away tempts us. We freely walk into sin.

Jesus dealt with temptation to sin by fervent and intense seeking of His Heavenly Father.

He did not use extreme and superior will power!

Seeking Jesus Christ is the best distraction from our lusts and desires which so easily drag us into sin.

Seeking is something that occupies us in times where we’d otherwise be tempted. Fill our idle time with seeking and pursuing rather than watching things that are themselves tempting. On phones or TV or internet browsing.

Getting a real glimpse of Jesus Christ and Living for the glory of the father. Seeking righteousness moment by moment.

Which is the beginning motivation for pursuing him. I am convinced it is the only thing in life strong enough to overcome our tendency to walk right into temptation and then sin.

Seeking Jesus Christ is a preoccupation in place of Satan’s world system. His system which can addict us and entangle us with all sorts of fruitless deeds of darkness.

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