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How to Spot Toxic Ministry

If you’re a Christian like me you have experienced negative things at churches. It’s normal and expected if we are to actually fellowship with other human beings. In this world there will be trouble. I think Frank Viola once said “where two or more are gathered together…there will be trouble.”

In the past I’ve been blindsided by pastors and other powerful people at churches unexpectedly. But I could have seen it coming had I been paying attention or listening to the Holy Spirit.

I share this post for the young and inexperienced Christian. The advice most people receive when becoming a Christian is to “start attending a bible believing church, attend every service and start giving 10% to it.” This advice I believe is vague and incomplete and can open up the young Christian to abuse. Depending on where they decide to attend. This post is my replacement for that advice to the young Christian.

Church can be wonderful experience but be careful, when we begin to love a particular church, that love can exist for unhealthy reasons. The church could be satisfying something in us that should not be satisfied at all. It could be teaching deception that we normally would be letting go of, if you were listening to the Spirit.

It could have people we might want to, or are getting into inappropriate relationships with (I’ve seen this happen, even with pastors.)

All of the above can exist in places we call church, and we’d be far better off avoiding.

Our emotions about a particular church or ministry or as in most cases, a particular pastor. Should not be a factor in deciding to fellowship intimately with a group of Christians. Being led by emotion is immature and unnecessary.

There are objective qualities about a ministry that can be useful to see quickly. Not necessarily as justification for breaking fellowship but to be used as a red flag. Perhaps a warning to protect ourselves and our families from a particular dysfunctional or toxic man or leader or ministry.

Three major red flags about a Christian ministry:

  • One person as the supreme influencer of a group of Christians. Other alpha males need not apply. In fact only beta males are welcome, alphas can send their wives and children but they are encouraged to stifle themselves if they come. I don’t care how wonderful this supreme person is, only Jesus Christ is qualified to occupy this position in a Christian fellowship. The one person can be the pastor or some behind the scenes person, either way …RUN away. Even if you think you want that in your life, meet that need elsewhere because it’s the number one sign that a Christian fellowship is not actually following Jesus Christ. But are instead bored with him and want some powerful personalities to give them a social experience they crave.
  • Everyone’s rank and status in a ministry or church is defined and measured by their relationship to one or two holders of power. Not a healthy place.
  • Gossip occurs during the sermons, the preacher thinks if I have mic I have license to say anything (very common).
  • Jesus Christ is rarely mentioned, only at the ends of prayers. Instead teachings about self-help, getting money, making the world a better place and all the like, justified with proof-texted bible verses, dominate the speaking. Watch out, if you need or want all that, get it at the library or online. There are people who specialize at this and don’t try to mix it with pretend spiritually.

To reiterate, don’t necessarily leave or break fellowship with a place like this if you are already there. Maybe you can help them, but at least protect yourself and your family from the psychological abuse that can happen in a place like this.

If you have to leave to protect yourself then look for ministries and churches with the following traits.

  • Obsession with knowing Jesus Christ.
  • Healthy non-hierarchical power structures.
  • Friendships supported during meetings.
  • No gossip occurs during the sermon.
  • Frequent and a varied types of meetings.
  • Meetings where everyone and anyone are taught to and expected to share with one another.
  • Money flows to the needy in the congregation and out of the congregation, (doesn’t just flow up to the elites or supreme one on top.)

Look for these traits and don’t care about numbers of people or the quality of the building they gather in. Don’t care about powerful personalities to mesmerize you in a weekly sermon. It’s just not necessary, that is mostly just religious entertainment.

You as a child of God can do better, Jesus has better for you, don’t settle.

If you absolutely cannot find this, look harder, or relocate to where you can. Or prayerfully wait for the Lord to bring you this type of fellowship of Christians. Maybe he’ll even use you to help plant one like this in your town. But be sure to wait on him for that, everyone does not have permission from God to plant churches. And Christians do need one another, we should gather together often in a healthy way.

Accusations and The Kingdom Of Darkness

I think I heard Frank Viola say it first but I feel I need to write this for my readers. The kingdom of darkness operates primarily by accusation.

The kingdom of darkness is a spiritual kingdom that occupies the spiritual place over most of humanity. It is a kingdom with a king, with hierarchy and with an ugly anti-Jesus agenda.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has shone light.

Isaiah 9:2

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.

Colossians 1:13

The kingdom of darkness is separate and distinct from the kingdom of Jesus Christ. It is also contrary to and is hostile to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The kingdom of darkness operates by certain predictable laws and cultural norms.

It functions through people voicing and spewing accusations. It also is in constant pursuit of power over the peoples of the earth by controlling human government. It causes its followers to pursue places of governmental power. In order to impose itself on the rest of humanity through accusation, and ultimately by stealing, killing, and destroying.

The kingdom of darkness’ primary mode of operation and interaction with humanity is accusation. Accusation is extremely effective at controlling people. Satan the king of the kingdom of darkness accuses God’s people relentlessly. It reminds me of the book of Job when Satan started accusing Job to God for no other reason than jealousy after God had commended Job.

Fast forward to here and now, I’ve found that the fastest way to determine if a person is following Satan, on accident or intentionally is to listen intently for their accusations against others. I don’t care if they are a pastor in front of adoring fans with inspiring mic in hand or a vile lonely sinner. If the person is spewing accusations at others, be they well crafted and eloquent or a foul tongued and cruel rant, he is cooperating with Satan with his accusations..

I don’t care if the person is a registered saint with the Vatican or if he is a murderer on death row. Satan followers are chock full of accusations for other people. They just cannot help themselves.

The presence and domination of accusations can also be an internal red flag for yourself. Are you staring to accuse people of things you have no idea are true or are valid about that person. Is it just a suspicion? are you projecting your own heart onto others you don’t like or trust? If so you should realize that Satan needs your insecurity and disregard for Jesus Christ in order to control and use you in his work of accusation.

Repent of accusing people, make a 180 and bless your enemies, pray for your enemies, do good to them in word and deed. The same ones you were just accusing. Stop accusing, even if you know they are true and follow the one true Lord Jesus Christ, the king of mercy and forgiveness and blessing. Then if they deserve it in truth, it will be like heaping coals of fire on their heads. But that is not our call to make, because sometimes … even quite often we are wrong about people.

What is the last false accusation that was aimed at you?

Church During Pandemic

This was a social media post in March of 2020 when the churches stopped services during the beginning of the pandemic.

Is church cancelled due to the coronavirus?

Well that depends …it might be. What do you mean exactly by church?

Modern Christianity (from my experience) is most confused and immature about what is the church (ecclesiology).

Even Christians who seem to have good explanations about church, who are pros behind a mic or a keyboard. Marching around like they own the place, who preach sermons about this very topic. Rarely behave according to what they preach about the ecclesia. They can’t, it’s too costly.

It seems to me that in ecclesiology we are infants, newborn. (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, clergy and laity) all newborns together… laying around goo goo ing at one another. Can’t yet crawl or roll over or get our own milk bottles.

I think this Covid19 pandemic is shining a fresh light on this fact.

Church is not an event.

Church is not a meeting.

Church is not an experience.

Church is not a traditional show or a contemporary show …of singing and oration.

The ecclesia that Jesus is building (and he has all the time in the world to build it) does not need fancy buildings or high tech buildings or large crowds. In fact I’m convinced he not only doesn’t need them he doesn’t want them. This is because he has something better and superior to that.

Real ecclesia (Church) can only be “cancelled” if Christians are no longer living or no longer Christians.

The church (ecclesia) is a Jesus-following people. A collection of people who form a body which exprssses the life of Jesus Christ.

Not expressing him by putting on constant evangelism/ self-help shows for one another.

It’s a Jesus-people from another kingdom entirely, who share their lives together, periodically their needs and their excesses, and who periodically gather to express him together.




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