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Here are my most recent posts

Preparing the Way For the State

What John the Baptist did for Jesus Christ.

Generally speaking, in the world of US politics, republicans do (unintentionally) for democrats/ or whoever comes next among those grasping for government power.

They prepare the way for someone else, as we follow and embrace them, they prepare us spiritually, (in a really bad way.)

They fortify and fund “the swamp” over the decades. The swamp is the state. It’s Satan turning to hijack what the Lord instituted.

They’ve embraced what I call “the gospel of the state” and make it acceptable to the masses who normally would resist.

They prepare us to accept and embrace another gospel about power on this earth and about the future.

They prepare us for the Democrats who (for now) seem more in line with, more intentional and precise about what they want and their vision for the future.

That future best described as “we’ll try anything but Jesus Christ. We insist we have his position over the earth.” It’s been going on now for centuries. They are losing. They hate one another, but they’ll cooperate in that effort.

Its Our job to exercise his authority over than and to communicate the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ to them both.

If we can hear it, if we can embrace it ourselves and then if we can communicate it clearly many if not most of them will stop with the nonsense.

The Origins of Cancel Culture

It seems to me that Cancel culture has been going on for centuries among the Christians.

“With the measure we use, the same measure will be used against us.”

All that we see in the media and in big tech and in the governments around the cruel and unnecessary cancel culture and censorship … I think began among us, those who follow Jesus. We accidentally teach the culture toxic nonsense in our churches.

It’s denominationalism, it’s clergy competition, it’s shopping around for the most entertaining, most self-serving sermons/ churches.

It’s all that … Evolved and spread out into the culture. It’s the competitive gossiping from pulpits.

Similarly we hold the keys to ending it. Jesus makes it so easy. He is so merciful and powerful and patient. It’s not by woke paranoia avoiding and always being one step ahead of our enemy.

it won’t ever be by fighting the culture. Or by pursuing power over it. People like Trump to protect us from enemies are not the answer, as much as we wish he were. Israel also craved a militant powerful king to protect and deliver them.

We are to change direction (if we haven’t already), and stop the immaturity, we’ll need to follow and seek Jesus with pure hearts. Stop chasing king-like clergyman to control and entertain us, or political leaders to rescue us. Jesus is not doing that.

I’m very optimistic about Jesus’ ability to lead us out of our messes.

When Jesus Seeks Someone

When Jesus is seeking someone it can be very obvious. When he is after a man or woman to reveal himself inwardly, nothing can stand in his way… except perhaps that person. And when that person begins to respond according to how they are being pursued, every homily, every sermon, ever discussion of theology, or philosophy and even every old church tradition can urge her along.

It is only a matter of time and of response. A matter of surrender. Sometimes he’ll whisper to a person in silence for years. Other times He’ll send a person on their path who will seem to be screaming the words of Christ to them. Exactly what they need to hear when they need to hear it. And exploding spiritual light into their spiritual eyes.

It’s one of the most wonderful things to experience and almost as wonderful to watch happen in others.

But …when that is just not happening, as much as we wish it were, and try to make it happen for ourselves or others, no sermon, no amount of church attendance, no amount of paying tithes and offerings, no bible study, no memorized passages, no amount of arguing and persuading matter. No amount of what we think to be good parenting or persuasive debating amounts to anything.

Jesus Christ reveals himself to people in his time and in his way. He personally and actively controls it … up to this very moment. All we can do is pray for ourselves and others to respond in a way that pleases the Lord. Respond in a spiritually violent manner, burn the ships. Be there for people to witness to him at the right time. Help others in a way that causes them to seek Jesus as much as HE is seeking them. So they can live his life.

Is Jesus seeking you? You probably sense it deep within if he is. If so I want to know, please reach out to me if you want help, or just someone to talk to.


“It pleased the Father to reveal his Son in me.” – Apostle Paul

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