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Allowing Jesus His Place

To make Jesus Lord of our lives and our fellowships has as much, maybe more to do with the things that we give up and stop doing than it does about doing or saying or singing things like “He is wonderful He is Lord” in public.

Does our behavior toward him and one another when we gather match our rhetoric when we preach and sing?

I’m not talking about giving up sin, that is an important but separate issue altogether.

ALLOWING Jesus to be Lord is the best way to make him Lord and King …which is his rightful place. Christians hold the key to his lordship on earth…for now. Another word for what I am talking about is headship. We say “Jesus is Lord”, but can we say “Jesus is our head”? When we gather. we let a hired great-man (clergy) be the head of the meeting. However, Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit in every member is capable of heading and orchestrating a meeting. You can read about Christian gatherings like this in 1 Corinthians 12-14. And I believe one day we will get back to those sorts of meetings all over the world.

The Fullness of Life

The fullness of life does not necessarily mean our outward circumstances are successful. Either financially or situationally or activity in church. At times it may look like this, but often it does not. Often it looks like difficulty.

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭36:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The fullness of life is an inward pulling from the life of Jesus Christ. It is an inward seeing and hearing of Jesus Christ that settles a person from the inside our. That guides a person, that directs a person. Not from manipulating and controlling and making things appear a certain way about ourselves. Then proudly boasting “look I’m rich”, or “look I’m full time at church”, or “look I’m active… this is fullness of life.”

People who teach others to do that are very confused. Our lives should not be engineered to look a certain way to allow us to say we are living by the fullness of life. That’s a waste and an insult to the reality of Christ.

As we seek Jesus first in all things without pretense without controls, as we surrender and obey him then we are able to walk in the fullness of eternal life. But it’s his full life we walk in not a manipulated version of our life based on our preconceived ideas of success.

When the Weak can be Strong

When it comes to interpersonal relationships.

There are weak people and there are strong people.

The strong controls the weak and enjoys being strong, although they are not as strong as it might appear

The weak judge the strong and enjoys being weak and are not as weak as they might appear.

Only Jesus Christ can make them equal. In him the weak are willing to lay down their weakness and say “I am strong in him”, and the strong are willing to lay down their tools of dominance and strength over the weak for as long as the Lord wants, perhaps even a lifetime.

This is a sign that Jesus is able to dwell
In a people when the weak can be “strong” and strong can be “weak”. Back and forth taking turns laying down and picking up.

The clergy-laity hierarchy is a great display of this back and forth between the weak and the strong (for good or for bad).

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