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How to Have Conflict

Three Golden Rules when Engaging in Conflict:

1) Always be in pursuit of the TRUTH! What is true? Not, how you can I dominate others by being right.

Never allow yourself to ignore truth so you can be the one that is right. Or get along with others. If someone is embracing lies and you know it, speak up, do the conflict. If they hate you for that, you are not losing much, you perhaps just lost a one-way friend, who really just want fans.

If your opponent doesn’t really care about truth, or doesn’t even believe in truth. Then you’ve identified a troubled person, maybe keep your distance.

2) NEVER assume your opponent is ignorant, or has not thought things through, or is just some bumbling foolish person.

If they ARE ignorant it will come out quickly, so you don’t have to worry about it. But never assume that to be the case, because they may not be and they may just embarrass you.

3) Whem an opponent makes a good point of truth, acknowledge it with humility. Healthy conflict is for finding the truth, nothing more. Not for winning and dominating.


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Following Jesus Abandoning All

Following Jesus is often synonymous with abandoning other things…things we don’t want to abandon. He calls us to do just that.

Abandoning maybe family, maybe friends and maybe romance interests, who are just headed down a dark path away from Christ.

Abandoning our politics with its idolatry about the government.

Abandoning grudges and bitterness in exchange for forgiveness and mercy.

Abandonment of the pursuit of money. for the constant pursuit of Jesus Christ. Which can subtract from our net worth.

Abandoning the hoarding of money to the giving of money away.

Abandoning constant leisure and pleasure for suffering for his name’s sake.

But…If we can keep our eyes fixed on Him, it’s not so hard. He makes it tolerable and sometimes easy.

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