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Here are my most recent posts

God as Just a Concept

When we refuse to cooperate and respond to the questions and lessons of Jesus Christ.

He won’t answer our questions for him.

We are to respond to him as best as we are able.

We should not treat God like he is an impersonal concept that we can use as we see fit, or ignore as we see fit.

He is a real and living person. Not a distant idea.

The Gospels That We Embrace

I want you to consider which gospel you have and are embracing? (Pause)

In my experience most Evangelicals think “the gospel” is fixed and defined. Is summarized in a few sentences, called the Romans Road or the ABCs to getting saved. Usually treated like it is a 3-minute exclamation point for the sermon.

But I think there are actually many different gospels preached in evangelical churches.

A gospel is better seen as the sum total of our thoughts about God, it includes what the world is, how it works, why it and we exist.

That is a more thorough description of a gospel.

“How to get to heaven” through Jesus Christ, as wonderful and true as that is, is only part of the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, as was brought into the world with Christ. There is much more to hear and to preach.

Like a prostitute selling and twisting a great and precious thing, for money. The purpose is off. Similarly when the purpose of the preaching gets other than the Lord speaking through a person, then the emphasis is departed from the Lord’s intent for engaging in preaching in the first place. Then it often becomes not just off-base a little, but false.

“How to get to heaven” many evangelicals have surgically removed, and made it the whole, then sprinkled 52 other gospels around it for other reasons. So much sprinkling that they are almost false gospels (depending on the preacher), because the emphases are so far off on tangents.

Gospels, when embraced produce certain types of loyal and committed followers. The gospel of Islam produces a certain type of wildly committed radical follower.

Similarly in Christ certain gospels produce the type of Christian individuals and communities.

There is a gospel that produces teams of Christians who hire someone to gather around, a professional to lead and to head and to orchestrate the meetings. Someone who serves to isolate them from those they disagree with and don’t like. Someone to tell them when to come, how much to give, when to sit, when to leave, when to repeat after me, when to fellowship. And through sermons someone to tell them what is the mind of Christ as a weekly audience.

But fortunately as we read about in scripture there is also a gospel that connects people to the spirit of Jesus Christ. Who then gather as bodies of Christians. Who gather at his leading. Who leads a people to all contribute and who all one by one prophecy the greatness of Jesus Christ one. They allow Jesus Christ to lead, head and even orchestrate each meeting through every member in submission and in cooperation. And they together uncover the will and the mind of Christ. Assembling daily as the body of Jesus Christ in the earth in order to display the glory of God in the earth, to challenge the principalities and powers. And to usher fallen and dead humanity into the new humanity which has already begun in Jesus Christ.

Someday if the Lord allows it, I’ll teach and preach that glorious gospel.

The Pride of Life “gospel”

My most popular blog post of all time is entitled “What is the pride of life?”

It’s a popular search term.

The pride of life can be centered on almost anything.

Our superior career.

Our superior kids. With their better than yours friends and their better than yours college. Better than yours house up the street.

Our superior parenting.

Our superior home.

Our superior ways of thinking.

How politically perfect we think.

Our go getter, ambitious, I can do anything attitude about life .

Or even the false humility victim-status Christian that is the most “humble” of them all.

Our exemplary status that we are accumulating at church, through loyalty, volunteering and giving of money.

Nothing necessarily wrong with those things but if we use them to feed the pride of our lives, they are very bad for us and the brothers and sisters we think we are better than.

Worse than all these, there is a “pride of life” gospel that we sometimes crave to hear every week. Pay good money to hear it. Makes us feel good about ourselves.

Tricks us into thinking we’ve accomplished something spiritually by listening to other Christians eloquently say the same things over and over in different ways. Deceives us weekly into thinking we are actually being discipled by hearing it. It’s just feeding our pride as we look down at those who are not as regular and loyal and giving of their time. It deceives us into striving for a pastors approval and commendation.

It’s a gospel rooted in inner filth (the pride of our lives). Not the advancing kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Its a gospel that uses Jesus for ITS purpose.

As opposed to the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, centered on HIS eternal purpose.

Our hearts are very deceitful, it’s the gospel we chose and preach without following Jesus Christ. Without seeking him first this gospel I’ve outlined above is the default Sunday gospel. Mine and countless others.

I’ve had enough of it. I let it go, I gave it up and have disdain for that message. Push that mess aside.

I want him, above all other messages. His absolute dominance, his utter control and rulership in me and in my community of Christians.

I chose the gospel of the kingdom and kingship of Jesus Christ.

I got a glimpse of it and I’m wrecked for anything else. I must devote myself to sharing it with whomever will listen.

Sharing it with both the pride of life church-saint and the cruel sinners.

For more on this topic click here.

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