About Adam Collier


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Here are my most recent posts

When Terrible Things Happen

Sometimes the things we fear the most, absolutely must happen.

And they must happen for purposes that involve Jesus Christ.

Perhaps to put on display the demonic nature of the governments, and much of society. Perhaps it’s to undo the evil strongholds with the few people who are actually following Christ.

But because of this…seemingly terrible things happening, become good things. He turns all things around for his purposes. Things that expose Satan and his loyal groupies.

Just Enrolled

I just enrolled in seminary!

My goal in studying in this formal way is to gain the knowledge necessary to write books about and for Jesus Christ. I’ve felt led in this way for almost a year now.

The seminary I enrolled in is Redemption Seminary, https://redemptionseminary.org/

lightning strikes

Who Saw Satan Fall?

Recently I went to the drive-in with my family. We watched an animated movie. On the other side of the drive-in they were playing an R-rated movie about someone summoning a demon. It was a horror movie. After we left this thought dropped in my head that these movies try to ma Satan, and also God, out to be something they are not. Then I remember all the scripture about Satan and it struck me how much Jesus talked about him and exposed him. Satan as some horrifying powerful mass murdering spirit and God out to be distant uninterested and indifferent to what Satan is doing in the earth. Neither is true, these movies are deceptive yet they are popular.

Jesus Exposed Satan to humanity.

Jesus shined the light on Satan for us. We do not have to imagine him as something he is not. Jesus revealed and thoroughly exposed Satan to us. Satan likes to disguise himself now but Jesus is not having that. Not with his humanity. Jesus’ disciples are now to execute the judgment of God on Satan. Satan is in big trouble with God, he knows it and I think it must be horrible for him. Not only is he in trouble with God but he is in trouble with Jesus’ people who understand who he is and who they are in relation to Jesus Christ.

Luke 10:15 And he said to them "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."'

Jesus not only saw Satan fall light lightning because he was present when it happened. Perhaps he was even the one who made sure that he fell from his high place in heaven in the first place. But Jesus also exposed it to his followers, Jesus let everyone know that Satan fell, and that he personally saw it. This expresses Jesus’ dominance over Satan. For who but God who is omnipresent, in heaven and on earth at the same time could even see this occur? And it likely occurred before even the Adam and Eve experience in the garden because Satan was present there.

Jesus made his followers to understand Satan’s situation and place. He exposed him and continues to expose him.

2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 2:11 so that we would not be outwitted by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.

Jesus Refuted and Renounced Satan

Jesus also turned back Satan’s advances at him both directly in the wilderness after his 40-day fast. Then again through his followers who were accidentally allowing Satan to speak through them (Peter). But then again once and for all when he was killed and resurrected. In Jesus’ death he killed off the humanity that was enslaved to Satan. But then he also started fresh and created a new race of humans. A race that Satan has no legal ownership to. Jesus followers are now love-slaves of Jesus Christ now. We are not enslaved to Satan any more, by virtue of Adam and Eve.

Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him "Be gone for it is written "you shall worship God. 

Satan Can Still Use Christians …If we Allow It

1 Timothy 5:15 Some have already strayed after Satan
Luke 22:31 "Simon, Simon behold Satan demanded to have you that he might sift you like wheat."

These verses are two examples that show that Christians can wander off and stray after Satan. I’ve seen this happen more than once. It causes one to wonder if the person ever really was a Christian in the first place. But that is not a useful thing to wonder because its impossible to know. Based on these verses we must assume they were and Satan was allowed to try to sift them and they strayed because of it. Satan is very experienced at deception and if we are inclined to stray, some of us stray after him.

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