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The Three Types of Christian Fellowship

Below are three Categories of Christian fellowship. We absolutely need all three: but mostly #3 because it causes spiritual maturity and includes the other two. Most Christians I know only experience #2 and stay there their entire life. As it requires minimal effort and is strongly rooted in tradition.

1) General social friendship based on common beliefs, interests, goals, age or among those in same church, family, job. Having friends, Christians or non Christians, it’s important and useful and we should maintain friendships, if possible.

2) One Way ➡️ theological sharing, religious teaching or various forms of religious entertainment. (most modern church services) could be useful as a short term preparation for #3 👇🏽 !!! If it doesn’t lead to that it will revert to a religious social club, still has value but little compared to #3.

3) Two Way 🔄 spiritual sharing, unsupervised and free of human controls. The type of fellowship that God himself can lead through trained members via the Holy Spirit. Hymns, revelations, prophecies, teachings, sharing of money, interpretations, burden bearing, friendship, training, and prayers given by all, and is centered on Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

#3 should be the goal of every Christian as it pleases the Lord most and establishes his direct rule over a body of Christians, it makes him Lord over a people. This type of fellowship can be difficult to establish and maintain. As it goes against our flesh and requires the extrovert to keep silent and submit and the introverts to speak up and share. Requires training and often needs outside help and guidance but with spiritual leadership and spiritual discipleship it is not beyond what the Lord can establish in the earth. “With God all things are possible.”


What it Means to Know Jesus Christ

Christianity is not doctrinal or theological intellect, in its purest essence, Christianity is knowledge of a person, the person of Jesus Christ.

One can know him intimately, follow him, please him, surrender to him all the while being intellectually as dumb as bag of nails.

Or one can also be exceedingly brilliant, deeply understanding great doctrinal truths, deeply disciplined and excellent in all manner of religious greatness. Finding great success in life. While understanding every misleading trap and deception of Satan. Yet still not have a clue what Jesus is like or is after. Still not knowing how to please Him, how to hear Him, how to see Him and how to follow Him around.

To know Jesus Christ is itself eternal life.

He is THE exemplary, the quintisential, the foundational human being.

He is the firstborn of all creation. He is the founding member and big brother of the new race of humanity. The humanity that will take our race into the future.

ancient sculpture of holy warrior in park

What is the Glory of Man?

The glory of man is the greatness and the majesty of mans presence, his accomplishments and his power.

The glory of man in history was most evident and best on display in the glory of warfare. The glory of the warrior was and is still spoken by the masses. Accolades about the warrior in life and in death.

Striving to get into the history books is another example of man striving for glory, especially in war and in conquering of other nations. Alexander the Great was given glory for conquering many nations. Genghis Khan was and is given glory because of the extreme toughness of his conquering, and even for the spreading of his genetics all over Asia through the women he had gained by conquest.

Rome used to have as one of its major motivations “the glory of Rome.”

The Olympics gave glory to the greatest athletes with a wreath, today we do it with valuable medals around the neck.

The gods that were worshiped around the world had varying degrees of glory ascribed to them.

Today people strive for glory and greatness through many things, a summary of the concept of the glory of man, can be found in my April 2018 blog post.

Striving for glory creates turf wars among people. It causes us to compete with others. It causes us to abandon one another in competitive battling.

Roman emperors, warriors and even citizenry were greatly motivated by the glory of man. The glory of man is synonymous with the pride of life. Read the history books and it is on display.

The glory of man is to rule over others, it is to have an empire of other men to obey. It is also to make our ways known and dominant (as in military conquest, or as in leadership vision for a nation or organization). And often it is to have others enrich us financially.


Words and phrases used today (in 2021) to describe the glory of man include, “living your best life now.” “Living a fulfilled life.” People “crushing it” in reference to their success in life. “Making the world a better place”, when we often are out to impose our will on others.

Watch the popular play called Hamilton about the American founding father, Alexander Hamilton.

“History has its eye on us”, is one motivation for the pursuit of the glory.

Pursuing the glory of man is a major factor in human government and in what I am calling the Gospel of the State. Which I am attempting to write about.

The Glory of Man in Church

The glory of man can be seen in churches. By some leaders who use their skills at speaking and leading to accumulate glory to themselves. It causes competition with other leaders. It causes turf wars. Evidenced by gossiping from the pulpit about other leaders or even anyone who would dare oppose their leadership. Or even dare not follow it. And by the desire to feel dominant over others who would dare give them credit or the respect they feel they deserve. I’ve seen this personally on several occasions.

It also can be seen in church building projects, despite huge and glorious church buildings up the street which is empty of Christians.

Some of the most respected and gifted ministers from the past and present clearly struggle with this need for glory. And with the tendency to get caught up in turf wars with other Christian leaders.

Sometimes I wonder if it not better to not be gifted and talented for those that set out to serve the Lord Jesus. As it so often gives the servant of God a spiritual handicap. And speaking or leadership gifts can form a strong foundation for the pride of life. And an addiction to seeking and demanding glory from raving fans as they fulfill their “ministry vision”.

The glory of man will be destroyed one day by Jesus Christ. In places we call church, even among and within people we call Christian. It will be replaced with him and with his kingdom. And I look forward to that day.

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