I think my social media friends may be a little sick of hearing this but….from a biblical perspective Jesus intended that church meetings would be carried out by every member. Christians who love one another, cooperating, working together, one by one, taking turns, men, women, youths, extroverts allowing others to speak, introverts brave enough to speak up…all with sober intention prophesying (which is simply declaring the excellencies of Jesus Christ) .
Not church meetings headed and orchestrated by professional Christians. (DONT GET ANGRY, I DO LOVE PASTORS, THEY ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE).
BUT Jesus intended that the AUDIENCE of his church, be the principalities and powers, and even the demons who control the governments of the earth (some who would be changed forever, others who would persecute).
Jesus also intended that non-Christians, who happen to wander into a meeting, would be the audience of the Christians in action (Christians who had been discipled and trained to gather as Jesus intends.) Jesus never intended church meetings involving the vast majority of Christian attenders… as perpetual, life-long, audience members. NO, maybe a few months for training, maybe periodically for special teachings. But not regularly as we see today.
Jesus also intended that he orchestrate the meetings personally. He is able to do this because of the Holy Spirit. And He has direct access to every member. The body of Christ is such a beautiful thing and it is just waiting to be mobilized and the veil taken off from over it.
The world will change in a massive way when the church grasps this fact.