Alternative to the World System

Happy new year 2021! Thanks for reading, 2020 was the best year yet for this blog.

I listened to a prepper/ homesteader livestream the other day, a good man and a man I believe is in tune with the terrible situation of the world right now. But something occurred to me while listening that I wanted to share on here.

The alternative to the world system which is controlled and motivated and gets its life from Satan. With his principalities and powers in high places. Is not just to set out to be independent of that wicked system, it’s not to set up an alternative system because we hate it so with its conspiring against God and it’s wicked plans and motives.

The alternative system is already there. It’s already in place and good enough to strongly counter anything satan has devised. Jesus Christ himself.

On earth it is already set up, it is the ecclesia which already is the alternative to the world’s government system, and its food system, and its medical system, its entertainment system and its educational system.

Jesus Christ himself and those in whom he dwells are the only legitimate alternative. And it exists not in its own earthly homeland, it exists all over the earth. Right in the middle of Satan’s world system and on real estate Satan things he controls.

As disappointing and lacking as the ecclesia may seem to us sometimes. He and them (us) are the only alternative. Just like Jesus must have been such a disappointment to the Jewish disciples, who wanted a political messiah to rescue them.

When we set out to be independent, to avoid the world system and to set up alternative works systems, we are doing the same thing as the world has and is doing. Setting up a life systems independent of God. Even If we succeed and set up something good. Satan can easily hijack them in a few years if it’s not of and by and for Jesus Christ.

If it’s for us … it won’t be long before it’s …for Satan.

I’m also not saying that God doesn’t sometimes lead people to get off the grid and farm but that is not a blanket path for us all. For some people that is sinfully running and hiding when he wants us to stand and testify. Even to take ground at risk of personal harm.

For some people, setting out to create an alternative life-system is the equivalent of us running like Cain, running from the garden, setting up his own cities (Enoch) that provide, and protect, and entertain independently after we’ve run from Gods garden.

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