Allowing Jesus His Place

To make Jesus Lord of our lives and our fellowships has as much, maybe more to do with the things that we give up and stop doing than it does about doing or saying or singing things like “He is wonderful He is Lord” in public.

Does our behavior toward him and one another when we gather match our rhetoric when we preach and sing?

I’m not talking about giving up sin, that is an important but separate issue altogether.

ALLOWING Jesus to be Lord is the best way to make him Lord and King …which is his rightful place. Christians hold the key to his lordship on earth…for now. Another word for what I am talking about is headship. We say “Jesus is Lord”, but can we say “Jesus is our head”? When we gather. we let a hired great-man (clergy) be the head of the meeting. However, Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit in every member is capable of heading and orchestrating a meeting. You can read about Christian gatherings like this in 1 Corinthians 12-14. And I believe one day we will get back to those sorts of meetings all over the world.

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