Why Seeking Jesus Christ is our Highest Calling


Jesus Christ is himself all that God has for us.

Whatever need, whatever lack, whatever weakness that we struggle with…he personally is the answer.

This means that He does not give out things like healing… Jesus Christ himself is healing.

He does not have a supply of provision…he himself is provision.

He does not give us a thing called love…he himself is love.

He does not point us the way we should go and the things we should do, he himself is the way and he is the one already doing what we should do. We are to do what we see him do and no more.

He does not give life…he is life!

He does not give wisdom…he is wisdom!

He does not give us peace of mind…He is peace!

He does not resurrect us…He is our resurrection!

This is great news because now all there is for us to do is to seek him personally (not seek his gifts). We relentlessly seek him with everything in us, seeking Jesus Christ is now our highest calling, then all things which are in him, are added to us.

Colossians 1:18b so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. 19 For it was the father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him. 20 and through him to reconcile all things to Himself.


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