All Authority Possessed By The True King

“All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth” – The Risen Jesus Christ

Authority on earth is based on the ability to accomplish things (money), and/or to penalize (to kill). In ancient Rome the emperor or general with the biggest army could win authority over the most powerful nation on the planet by brute force and he could hold onto that authority by skillful political decisions (accomplishing things).

Money flowed to and from the authority.

But something changed with Jesus Christ. Jesus when ministering, had another type of authority. Not seen by any man before.

He had authority over the weather, over disease, over people, over demons and even over death.

Jesus in dying, ended the human race and started afresh himself being the new Adam. He gained authority over death, over life and was placed high above everything and everyone in heaven and earth.

When one thinks authority now we must think Jesus Christ. He has it all, one day everyone will acknowledge that. Today just a few do.

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