Be Aggressive About This One Thing

Aggression is not viewed as a positive things these days. Aggressive people are typically not well-liked. I tend to feel the same way about most aggressiveness. However, I think there is one area of life that we ought to be very aggressive, very assertive and very stubborn about. That is to be constantly seeking to know Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

I find an extremely wonderful way to live is to stubbornly and constantly seek to:

  • Know Jesus Christ personally.
  • Know everything about him.
  • Understand how to hear from him right now, so we do not wander off doing our own thing.
  • Tell others all we learn and know about him who have the same heart for him.
  • Listen for him in the ministry and sharing of others.

Never delegate your life’s-focus to anyone else. Take personal responsibility to make sure you are always increasing in the knowledge of him.

Don’t put up with distractions from this internal or external. Distractions that are obviously evil and/ or ones that appear religious and seem good. My definition of a distraction is absolutely anything that shifts ones focus and life-aim off of the person of Jesus Christ.

Any person, any thing, even religious idea, even “ministry visions” (that sound so good) that distracts from that. Consider them to be Satan standing in your way. He smiles and points you over to some attractive distraction.

Be spiritually aggressive toward Jesus and Satan, don’t get passive or lukewarm about knowing him.

Snap out of it, if you love Jesus at all know that he needs people like that. Jesus can build great things with a group of spiritually aggressive people like this.

Lukewarm, spiritually-retired and permanently distracted Christians are some of the most confused people on earth.

“But seek first His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus Christ

There is a reason he said seek first.

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