Accusations and The Kingdom Of Darkness

I think I heard Frank Viola say it first but I feel I need to write this for my readers. The kingdom of darkness operates primarily by accusation.

The kingdom of darkness is a spiritual kingdom that occupies the spiritual place over most of humanity. It is a kingdom with a king, with hierarchy and with an ugly anti-Jesus agenda.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has shone light.

Isaiah 9:2

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.

Colossians 1:13

The kingdom of darkness is separate and distinct from the kingdom of Jesus Christ. It is also contrary to and is hostile to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The kingdom of darkness operates by certain predictable laws and cultural norms.

It functions through people voicing and spewing accusations. It also is in constant pursuit of power over the peoples of the earth by controlling human government. It causes its followers to pursue places of governmental power. In order to impose itself on the rest of humanity through accusation, and ultimately by stealing, killing, and destroying.

The kingdom of darkness’ primary mode of operation and interaction with humanity is accusation. Accusation is extremely effective at controlling people. Satan the king of the kingdom of darkness accuses God’s people relentlessly. It reminds me of the book of Job when Satan started accusing Job to God for no other reason than jealousy after God had commended Job.

Fast forward to here and now, I’ve found that the fastest way to determine if a person is following Satan, on accident or intentionally is to listen intently for their accusations against others. I don’t care if they are a pastor in front of adoring fans with inspiring mic in hand or a vile lonely sinner. If the person is spewing accusations at others, be they well crafted and eloquent or a foul tongued and cruel rant, he is cooperating with Satan with his accusations..

I don’t care if the person is a registered saint with the Vatican or if he is a murderer on death row. Satan followers are chock full of accusations for other people. They just cannot help themselves.

The presence and domination of accusations can also be an internal red flag for yourself. Are you staring to accuse people of things you have no idea are true or are valid about that person. Is it just a suspicion? are you projecting your own heart onto others you don’t like or trust? If so you should realize that Satan needs your insecurity and disregard for Jesus Christ in order to control and use you in his work of accusation.

Repent of accusing people, make a 180 and bless your enemies, pray for your enemies, do good to them in word and deed. The same ones you were just accusing. Stop accusing, even if you know they are true and follow the one true Lord Jesus Christ, the king of mercy and forgiveness and blessing. Then if they deserve it in truth, it will be like heaping coals of fire on their heads. But that is not our call to make, because sometimes … even quite often we are wrong about people.

What is the last false accusation that was aimed at you?

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