Five Compelling Reasons To Sign Up For Our Email Updates

This site exists to help people to discover and to unleash their unique God given creative abilities.    Working in technology R&D for the past (almost) 18 years where creativity, innovation and ingenuity is a daily effort I have accumulated a mindset of individual and team creativity particularly centered around the use of science.  Many of these principles combined with general wisdom and leadership insight can be applied to help individuals.

I have more than a years worth of creativity enhancing content to share.

The fastest and most direct access to this site and the content that we’ll give away and sell is through our email list.

Everyone interested in their creativity or the creativity and ingenuity of their teams should sign up for our email list for the following five compelling reasons:

  1. Periodic FREE Products and Content will be funneled through the email list, for example the Increasing Collaboration book will be sent to whoever signs up for my email list by midnight on June 30th, 2014.  This book is insightful about collaboration it contains useful models to help the reader understand and engineer their team work style and it will be sold on amazon soon.
  2. Access to more advanced content, periodically we will send out special and deeper teachings to email subscribers only which will not appear on the site.
  3. Access to advanced pricing, whether it be e-books, online courses, seminars or membership sites email subscribers get better deals on valuable products.
  4. We will add value to your email inbox, I know what it is like to give up an email address, giving it up to the wrong organization or individual can cause an inbox full of spam, we will not do this to you, you have our word.
  5. We will honor your email inbox, we will not email you more than once per week (unless we are conversing) and will never sell or give away your address.

So go ahead and sign up and become an VIP of this site !


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