Video 1 – By Him All Things Were Created

This is the first of a series of short videos about Jesus Christ, see the bottom of this post to watch a YouTube embedded video.

Notes from Video: There are timeless spiritual principles that work from Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Atheism and even secular humanism yet all originate with Jesus Christ. If this is true this is an example of all things conforming to Jesus Christ whether he is acknowledged by these people or not, they and everyone else is conforming to Him personally, not necessarily to all that is called church or the Christian religion but to Jesus Christ personally.

In speaking with a Hindu and a Muslim friend of mine about Jesus Christ, (who they both spoke very well of) It occurred to me that their main thoughts about Jesus was that He was one of a handful of enlightened ones from history who were in touch with spiritual realities enabling them to become a ‘son of God’. Some said once to me that he was the son of God by virtue of this enlightenment.

Three reasons why Jesus was far more than a spiritually enlightened guru.

  • The Resurrection, he simply is not dead any more. That alone puts him in a class by himself. Read Acts 1:9-10 to see how Jesus ascended in front of hundreds of his disciples. Read John 11:43-45 to see how Jesus also resurrected a man who had been dead and buried for 4 days. Jesus also said this amazing thing about himself “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,…”
  • What he said about himself. Hindu’s Bhudists say he was one of the enlightened ones, Muslims say he was a prophet. If he were enlightened or were one of the prophets then why did he say things like? “I am the way, the truth, the life”, he attributed spiritual things to himself personally whereas all these other great men pointed to principles and concepts, never claiming deity. He claimed “Moses wrote about me”, He said “I am the way, I am truth, I am life”, “I am resurrection.” “I am the bread of life which came down from heaven to give life to you” Jesus claimed deity and his enemies prove this for he was sentenced to death for it. Enlightened people or prophets do not say crazy things about themselves being God, that disqualifies them from being seen as a prophet of God, he was either a crazy cult leader with a God complex or he really was God in flesh.
    • Jesus himself is the object and source that all the others were beginning to become enlightened to.
  • ONLY Jesus Himself Gives Power to His Teachings: I’ve noticed with many secular humanist minded friends there are spiritual principles they ascribe to strongly, they adhere to certain spiritual ideals similar to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and, of course on the surface it seems it would work well for them (they have an evolutionary mindset and the principle itself becomes the thing that wins out over hate and sin). In other words regardless of your religion principles of inner peace, self-control, not being overwhelmed with fear, morality, hard work are adhered to in and of themselves. These originate from Jesus Christ himself and always have. To plagiarized Jesus then push him aside I believe is self-destructive and immoral. Jesus said “come to me and I will give you rest, throw off the old man put on the new man created in Christ Jesus. Do not fret, make known your requests to God.” IT IS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST, NOT THE PRINCIPLE! In other words he cannot be separated from his principles, they just do not work, his ‘principles’ are impossible to live by and do without him, they break down as nice ideals without him.

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