Goal-Setting: Our Path to Productivity in 2015


In mid-December I took a half-day to do two things.

  1. Evaluate 2014 life-goals and how I performed at meeting them.
  2. Set new life-goals for 2015.

Life-goals are important, they give us a path to travel on to get to where we want to be, they remind us of important things we may otherwise forget when life gets chaotic and they help us to focus on the most important things.

The way that I do life goals is a little intense, I developed this process by tweaking Michael Hyatt’s process.  I break up my life into categories, then in each category I evaluate where I am, where I want to be, then I set specific goals accordingly.  For example, I have my life broken up into the following seven categories.

  1. Relationship with God
  2. Taking care of Self (health, growth, rest)
  3. Relationship with my spouse
  4. Parenting/ Relationship with Children
  5. My ministry (outside of family)
  6. My Career
  7. Our Finances

Within each category I have a current reality, the desired results and specific goals, the goals I set are realistic (obtainable with effort), they are specific and they are not necessarily simple to accomplish.

In 2014 I met 62.5% of my 24 goals, the majority of those not met were financial, this was a struggle for us in 2014.

In 2015 I thought it was important to reduce my number of total goals, I am doing this by limiting each category to 3 or less goals, so in 2015 I have 21 specific goals.

I print these out and I regularly glance at them for reminders throughout the year.

Having life-goals improves productivity plus it is exciting to know when progress is made towards a more fruitful and satisfying life.

If you need help setting goals, leave a comment below or email me at collierak@me.com

Have you set your goals for 2015? What process do you use, if any, for goal setting?

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